
What is the best way for me to install a graphics card?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a beginner when it comes to computers, but basically, my computer won't let me run Second Life, and I have a feeling it has to do with the Graphics Card. So my question is, if I were to get a new graphics card, would it be better for me to install it myself, or should I go to a certain shop and ask them to do it for me? What kind of risks am I running by installing it myself? How much would it cost for someone to install the card for me, and where exactly would I go to get it installed?




  1. As long as you are not a complete dummy, only you know for sure, you should be able to install a card all by yourself. But you first have to make sure it is the right card for your available slots.  When you bye the card ask the sales person if it will fit your computer. You will need to provide that sales person with some details.

    Make, model, mother board name and stats, memory in the system, what cpu you have, this should be enough info to work with.

    Then tuen off computer, unplug computer, open side pannel of computer, do not I repeat do not create static elctrical discharge.

    To be sure you don't, ground the frame of the computer with a wire to a metal grounding point, before you open the case.

    If any static charge occurs it will head for the grounded point rather than inside the computer.

    Install the card in an available slot that the card will fit into.

    Close the case, plug in the computer, turn on the computer and install any software that came with the card.

    Your done.


  2. Installing a graphics card is easy, just common sense and a basic understanding in how it's installed simply by observing, or type it up on search so you'll have an idea.  But before you buy a card, look inside and see.  That means unplug the pc from the socket, and check to see if there is an expansion slot for a graphic card on the motherboard.  If it does, familiarize yourself with the type of interface.  there are two types: 1) AGP- Accelerated Graphics Port 2) PCI express the older one being AGP.  I hope this somewhat answers your question, and if your not sure about certain things, check the link, i'm sure it would help you have a better understanding of a pc.  Good luck.

  3. Make sure you know what type of card the computer uses (AGP, pci-e).

    Installing it yourself is very easy.

    First- power down your computer.

    Second- you will need to unplug the computer from the wall.

    Third- Follow the directions that came with the card.

    Good Luck!

  4. It would take me all of five minutes to swap out your card, and probably a lot of other people around here could do it in three. You could probably find some kid in your neighborhood who plays video games on his PC who'd do it for free or someone at school in the computer lab, or by god, you could do it yourself. The only dealio is that you have to avoid shocking your video card or the insides of your computer with static electricity, so along with your new video card be sure to pick up an "anti-static wrist band" and wear it as instructed when you open your case and remove your new video card from it's anti-static bag.

    You didn't mention being unsure what video card to get, but that's a huge consideration as well. The minimum specs for second life as seen here: are nothing; my five year old dell I just replaced could have played it, so before you buy that teenie tiny upgrade, consider if maybe you might want to play some other games like Call of Duty 4 in the future, and might want to upgrade everything now.

  5. installing better video cards in your computer helps a lot,

    just install yourself, it is easy there's a manual comes with it..

  6. Hi!  I suggest that you bring your computer to the nearest computer store and let them decide what video card is the right one for you. That way, you will no longer worry about what video card is the right one for you.

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