
What is the best way for my (homeschooled) 10 year old son and I to learn Spanish together?

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I need European Spanish




  1. My son is learning spanish with Rosetta stone.  It is not too bad. Kinda fun.  But I think the best is with other students and a Spanish teacher.  I guess Spanish is not offered in any co-op classes in your area?

  2. switched on schoolhouse

    only 60$

  3. See if your library offers Rosetta Stone for free. If not, then you can make an investment in that program or one that is similar. The other alternative is to sign up for a class at your local community college, many of them offer beginning classes and allow children who are home schooled to attend.

  4. Spanish for Dummies

    by Susan Wald

  5. I highly recommend Rosetta Stone!  We are using the program and have the Homescooling Edition.  It is easy and rewarding.

  6. Great question. I'm trying to do the same thing with my homeschooled children. I bought Muzzy and so far it hasn't helped that much. I think they need more to go along with the videos.

    Our pub lib has Rosetta so I am going to check it out as well as the Easy Spanish the other person suggested.  Hope you find something that works. Adios!

  7. I highly recommend Easy Spanish.  It is strong in immersion, grammar, and culture, and is non-consumable.  It is also multi-level - it comes with a lower elementary, upper elementary/middle school, and high school/independent learner track.  It is fully inclusive and comes with lesson plans.

    Honestly, if I had the time to write a foreign language curriculum, this is what it would be.  (It's also a heck of a lot cheaper - and more complete - than Rosetta Stone :-) )

    Rosetta Stone is good, but I recommend it more as a vocab and idiom review.  The problem with it is that it is 100% immersion and really doesn't go into grammar at all.  It teaches you what to say, but not *why* you're saying it...which most kids over the age of 8 really need to know in order to retain the language.


  8. Muzzy is a great way to start if you can afford it, if not the library will usually stock tapes that you can borrow. You can also re inforce  words hat you have bothe learned with photographs of his bedroom, your dining room or kitchen and other things with spanish labels. It helsp to remember if you can associate them with things that are around you. Best wishes.

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