
What is the best way for tooth reshape and whitening?

by  |  earlier

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i have my front tooth little broken, and i want to reshape the others, but i want to improve my smile and make my teeth look very natural and white. what do you think it is better and less damage for my tooth, crown, veneers, lumineers or composite filling?

I appreciate if you know prices!





  1. my boyfriend has veneers and if he hadn't of told me i never would have guessed.

    and he now has a gorgeous smile

  2. To re contour your natural teeth, it is best to visit your dentist and discuss all the possible options.

    Veneers are probably the best way to go.  Lumineers are a type of veneer.

    Veneers come in all different shades as well.  If you are looking for a brite smile...ask to dentist to use shade B1.  This is a brite white tooth color.  You'll have to get all of your front teeth done though, so the shade matches your other front teeth when you smile.  

    If your looking to just have your 2 front teeth veneered, have in office bleaching done before the prep for the veneers.  The dentist will match the shade of your newly whitened smile for the veneers.

    If money is an issue, composite veneers will do.  They may not last as long, but they will look just as good.

    Crowns are out of the question...too much tooth structure is removed and may be damaging to your teeth.  During a crown prep, if the nerve of your tooth becomes exposed, you will need a root canal.  Not worth the risk!  The only time a crown should be recommended is when you have a large filling in a tooth with little tooth structure to hold it together, a severly broken tooth (not just a chip), or after a root canal to avoid breakage of the dead tooth.

    If your tooth is broken to the point where a veneer will not hold, yes, you will need to crown it.

    Your dentist is the only one who can tell you your best option.  

    Shop around.  Most dental consultations are free...if they are don't want to have work done by that dentist anyway...he/she is money hungry.

    If you can post a pic of your teeth, I can give you some more advice.

    If money is an issue visit

    This company works with dental offices to ensure payment.  You will pay this company with monthly installments and the dentist will get paid for services rendered up front.  There is no interest charged to you.  

  3. go to the doctor..  

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