
What is the best way get started with interval training on the bike?

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What is the best way get started with interval training on the bike?




  1. 10 min warm up, then 5-10 min at about 50% of your max.   Then a few minutes of easy stuff, then 3-5 min pedalling as hard as you can.   Then take only 1 min to rest as you pedal easy, then do 2 min at about 75%.

    If you have some hills, then you can try to find a route where you work up the hill, then rest a min or two at the top before going strong again.

  2. Hill climbing with the downhill as rest, this helps strengthen muscles too. If you have a heart rate monitor, you can rest until your heart rate reaches about 60% of maximum. Do not do this more than three times a weak!!! and don't stop doing long slow distances, otherwise you're body becomes inefficient at working away excess lactate in the muscles.

  3. I find I get my most effective intervals indoors on a trainer.  

    With no traffic, stop signs, turns, or terrain, you can go harder without interruption or fear of crashing.     I can attain much higher heart rates this way.  

    Something like 15 minute warm up, then 20x 90 seconds at 90% effort (heart rate or percieved exertion) with 30 seconds to a minute going easy in between to get your heart rate down.   Then 15 minute cooldown.      

    There are endless variations on the theme.    Look for books by Joe Friel or Sally Edwards to name a couple.

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