
What is the best way of cleaning my vinyl records to improve the quality of the sound as it sounds terrible?

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What is the best way of cleaning my vinyl records to improve the quality of the sound as it sounds terrible?




  1. Hi. It is easy to see by most of the answers  people don't have a clue about records because they only know CD.And some of them think you want to transfer the sound to CD!There are two ways to clean a record .First buy a record cleaning machine as one poster recommended.Second ,do it yourself. It is important to note that there is no way to remove or fix any deep scratches on a record. They are permanent, but the record groove can be thoroughly cleaned of all contaminates.The secret is to "wash" the record thoroughly.

    If you do it yourself,it is a lengthy process that takes time,but is well worth the effort.It is too long to print here,but i will tell you what you need.This is how i have cleaned my records.


    [2]   DETERGENT


    [4]   THREE VELVET BRUSHES (2 wide 1 narrow)


    If you are interested,will you let me know.?

    EDIT... I agree that a new stylus will trace the record groove better.However the muck is still stuck inside the groove wall and unless it is cleaned first a new stylus will not improve the sound.

    Some of the answers are ridiculous,and obviously intended to offend you,probably because they don't understand the sonic virtues of vinyl !

    EDIT  2...Please note ,cloths and dusters are no good. You must use velvet brushes.I know how to make them if they are not available for sale in your area.

  2. You used to be able to get cloths made to clean the dust off vinyl. you might need to go to a specialist shop, maybe a dance music shop where they sell vinyl for DJ's.

  3. wire wool

  4. There is a firm that can do it for you they digitise it and put it on cd.

  5. damp tissue

  6. brilo pad and vim

  7. just  get  sum software its cleansup the sound and puts them on cd

  8. You can normally buy these packs at pound stores or get a few baby wipes leave them out for an hour or until it starting to dry out a bit and use that. Simple bebey wipes are the best as they have no nasty stuff in them so they will not spoil the music at all as i have done this many times and on one of my vinyls had been lieng there so long that when i next put it on my friend though i had payed to have it digitally remasterted. ASIF!!!!

  9. The best way to clean vinyl is by using a dedicated record cleaning machine, such as those available from Origin, Nitty Gritty, Loricraft or Moth.

    However, these cost around £300-£400, so unless you have a very large or valuable vinyl collection, the expense is probably not worth it.

    A cheaper alternative is to by a record restoring kit.  These usually consist of a cleaning fluid and a soft sponge and cost about a tenner.  It takes a bit of time and effort, but you will clearly hear the improvements.

  10. records are so different to cd's, the better option is not to try and clean the record itself, but to get a new stylus. however if you must clean them, use a lint free duster and go very gently, in the direction of the grooves.

  11. All you need is 2 gallons of distilled water, some dawn w/out any moisturisers and 1 bottle of denatured alcohol a lint free cloth and a sponge. First use the cloth and dust the records. I mix 1 gallon distilled water 1 bottle of denatured alcohol and a few drops of dawn not to much put in one side of the sink, on the other side put the other gallon of distilled water. Put the record in the solution gently wash with the sponge in the direction of the grooves. Then rinse off in the distilled water, I let mine dry for about a day till it is completely dry after its dry put in a clean sleeve. Remember to always dust them before you use them. Make sure your needle is clean too, some people think that it's just the record but the needle collects the dust and dirt from the records so that can cause the pops and cracks. Almost forgot I put paper on the labels then tape to cover the paper so it doesn't get wet.


  13. black exterior gloss paint and ice cubes, or peanut butter and a crowbar. both work fine.

  14. Vinyl records need a little maintenance to keep their unique sound qualities. Music just sounds better when transferred from vinyl  to needle to speaker and not technology enhanced and converted to 1's and 0's and then processed. Even the Library of Congress still has thousands of old vinyl records and a procedure for keeping them in mint condition.  (I can provide a link to that site also if you'd like as they have a solution they make for cleaning.)

    More than likely the problem is not with the vinyl if all your records are sounding poor, it's probably the stylus. However it's a good idea to clean each record every time before the stylus touches it, that will prolong your needle and the record. A record sleeve will also help during storage. There are several products out there for those of us who still believe the old vinyl still holds value. I've included a few links below.

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