
What is the best way???????????????????

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what is the best way to control anger??

when you feel like smashing stuff up because you are so angry what would you do to calm yourself down?




  1. Hang a punching bag in the garage or go to your room and jump rope, scream into a pillow, do jumping jacks, shadow box or pace the room until you calm down.

  2. well if this is a once in a year occurence not much needs to be done except getting out of the anger provoking situation. Drinking a glass of cold water and a deep breath does the trick for some ppl whereas in others who keep experiencing these states on a daily basis need professional help.

  3. Just stop and think about what your doing. Then if your really mad, scream into a pillow. It can really work!  

  4. Take deep breath and a glass of water.Pranayam will control your angry nature in due course

  5. yell, and beat the #$@# out of a pillow :) better to do that than breaking useful items.

  6. Why you become angry?

    It may be because others may have did a mistake.

    You see :

    Both of you are doing mistakes.

    The other person's action is a mistake.

    But, for you : the thought itself.

    Mistakes, errors, disappointments are very common in life.

    Have a large broad heart to acknowledge this and try to live in the present.

    Living in present gives you wonderful solutions. It may altogether alter your needs based on the availabilities.

    See in depth the root cause of the anger situation and learn from it.

    Take actions to prevent the repetition if possible.

    Good and nice day for you!

  7. A good thing to do is go on an exercise bike or do some other exercise and perhaps focus away from rage and put it into beating a previous lap record or something like that, either way it gets your rage out and helps you get fit.

  8. i stab and beat myself punch your self in the face or stab a few times that should help

  9. Have you gone to a Dr, or a Therapisr to try to find the actual cause of your anger? The human mind is very tricky and we can make it do whatever is convenient for us at the moment.

    That's something like making someone else wrong  and throwing the  blame to center field, but you however are still angry!

    I suggest you seek medical help and your problem will be addressed and as far as calming down, they have mild tranquilizers if necessary and of course anger management. The main thing is to get to the root of you problem and you have to know there is help out there and you don;t have to go it alone.

    I know I get long winded but I really care and want you to get the vbest help and nit feel alone. I hope I was able to help!

  10. I have found releasing the anger in a controlled, safe way is best.   Smash a pillow with a tennis racquet, get a kids' punching bag and use it to punch, get some clay (real clay not play doh) that needs to be worked with and use it, or something my therapist suggested to me and worked real well -- go to a thrift store and buy some cheap dishes and take them outside to a safe location and throw them on the ground and smash them!  This way you can release the anger, but not hurt anyone, including yourself.  Also, as someone else mentioned any kind of exercise is always good,

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