
What is the best way that you have found to offer comfort 4 family members of a terminally ill cancer patient?

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I know there is no one best way to do this, but I was hoping for some new ideas,thoughts and/or prayers to offer comfort to my friend and his family.

May God bless all of you for your help. Thank you.




  1. Love them more than ever.  Let them talk to you so they can help comfort themselves as well...  

  2. Offer sympathy, followed up at once by offers of help with driving, housework, cooking and laundry.

    Help to keep things going so that they can concentrate on the patient.

    Pray while you work.

  3. tell them you know they are strong & can defeat this.

    It's been proven that cancer patients who become involved in support groups have a better quality of life.

    When Dr's treat their patients like a statistic & tell them they have a certain amount of time to live, the mortality rate increases & the quality of life decreases, it's a self fulfilling prophecy because most people give up because they think the Dr. is right. . .

  4. Durring this time the family is trying to be strong and supportive of the terminally ill member so what you can do is offer to do errands, offer your time sit with the ill patient while the others run errands, cook up a meal for the family, or just send a card that offers support......believe me the family members need your support also so that they don't get burned out......some times it is nice to just have someone stop over and visit.....

  5. Take care of little things for them without being asked.  Go over and mow the lawn so that it's done, don't ask them about bringing a meal, just do it, but make it a casserole of some kind so if they don't need it right away they can freeze it.  When you're running out on errands call over and see if there is anything they need picked up.  I don't know how old this person is, but if there are children involved, take them out for a day at the zoo or the movies or bowling, just something fun for them.  Depending on how advanced the cancer is and the patients health, go stay in the house with the person so the spouse/parent/caregiver can take a break.  My sister-in-law has a terminal brain tumor, and little things make a big difference.  And while a lot of people are willing to help, often the family doesn't know what to ask people to do, or doesn't want to ask someone to mow the lawn or clean the house for them.

  6. really the only thing you can do is be there for them. Offer to cook dinner or take care of phonecalls and such.

  7. having lost my own mother to cancer last year she was too young and sick only 4 months. we found people to be very helpful but sometimes smothering in somethings they did. i understood they where only trying to do something to help but sometimes you just want to be left alone to deal with the traumatic situation. my advice to you is cook meals and offer help but also give then the space to deal with it. i know everyone is different but even my mum said it was too much when everyone was a round making a fuss. she wanted her life to remain the same. but every night there was at least ten visitors and she got over whelmed and stressed. just make sure they no you are there and they will call if they need you. xx

  8. Mandi Nailed it. Only thing I can thing of to add is be of Positive mood while helping them. They will need you too be a Tree to lean on.

    Positive vibes too you and your friends.

    (that is my answer.)  

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