
What is the best way to achieve this stamp/ink effect in photoshop CS2?

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I need help taking a normal pic and turning somewhat into the picture above. Using the filters don't seem to get the effect.




  1. Hi Nathan

    The pic is converted into a black and white, not a greyscale mode.

    The writing is made using the compact font, or condensed font. You add a contour to it and you adjust the level of contour that you need to give is a raised effect, or a beveled or a lowered effect.

    I beleive that is what you are asking about.

  2. Several approaches.

    Change the color image to greyscale, and then to bitmap.  Play with the "threshold" controls to bring up the portitons you want to remain black,and bring down the areas you want to go white.

    Or, from the greyscale mode, you can use the Image/Adjustments and play with the brightness, contrast controls, begining with high brightness and highe contrast.

    Or, again, from the greyscale mode, go to filters and find the Posterize filter and play with that.

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