
What is the best way to adopt?

by  |  earlier

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I am soon to be a special ed. teacher in Texas, and would like to look into adoption, but what is cheaper? Is it better to become a foster parent first? or open vs. closed adoptions? There are so many different ways to adopt, but on a teacher salary that will probably be less than 45k a year, and could be as low as 30k, I won't have a ton of money to throw around. I have also heard that it is best to be a foster parent first because you will have the baby in your home from very young. I want a newborn, but would be willing to take siblings if they are all young enough. I hope this all makes sense to somebody out there. Thank you!




  1. There are informational meetings all the time to get foster parents/adoptive parents for the state.  That would be the most inexpensive way to adopt.  Start by getting info - expressing what age you want to foster and then once you find the foster child that you want to adopt - adopt them.  The most important thing is to work with a social worker that you trust.  In my state the foster care workers have been privatized, so if you don't like the way one agency works you can change to a different agency.  Not sure about the state you are in. Get as much information as you can before you make your decision!  Good luck and I hope you know that you are doing something wonderful!

  2. be a foster parent and then when your ready adopt another one and if you fell like u can handle adopt more

  3. There is a 16 yr old in the adolescent section that has found herself pregnant and wondering what to do.  Her parents want her to have an abortion, but she doesnt believe in that (thankfully), but knows she is not ready to have a baby.......maybe you can talk to her :)

  4. i rather not adopt have your own kid much better. and its your own DNA in them

  5. foster the child you want to adopt first. that is so much better than just bringing them to your home, thats almost like saying

    it dosnt matter if you like us or not, we think your cute and you have a good personality so your living with us for the rest of your life.

    no matter how old they are, they will always get that message.

    let them decide if they like you enough for you to become their parents/.

  6. There are different options for you to look at.  

    The one with the lowest (no fees or next to no) fees would be to adopt a child in the foster system.  Expense should certainly not be your only or even the most important criteria.  Google your state's name and "foster care" and you'll find out the process and guidelines for adopting for fostering.

    You could also look at adopting domestically internationally.  Contact and agency or an attorney to look into it & find out the process and the expenses.

    You could look at adopting internationally.  That will cost anywhere between $5,000 & $50,000 not including travel.  It's a long process & can be frustrating but we did it & are happy with the results.

  7. foster parent is cheaper and easier on you and the child , the other thing is i would do a closed adoption to many things can go so wrong with a open one. open meaning the birth parents can call ask to see child etc. etc. that only confuses the child. you don't need tons of money to show that you love the child

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