
What is the best way to apply make-up?

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  1. Start with a clean face.  Put your bangs back with bobby pins... then moisturize.  Pick out your clothes while the moisturizer soaks in... use oil free moisturizer if you're pimple-prone.  

    Liquid foundation:  Put several dots around your face.  Two on forehead.  Three on cheeks.  A few more at the jawline.  Blend outward in a circular motion.  Don't tug at your skin.... use small delicate strokes to blend the foundation toward your hairline and down your neck.  

    IMPORTANT - Less is better.  You can always add more if you've missed a spot, so be conservtive at first. Use concealer if you have troubled spots.  Green covers red.  Yellow covers brown.   Also, make sure to use the lightest shade that matches your skin.  

    Eyes:  If you choose to wear eyeliner, work from the outside corner and go inward with small strokes until you get used to doing it.  Stay as close to your lash-lines as possible.  When you're done, blend it with a sponge or (in my case) l**k your pinky and blend the line.  Choose an eye shadow that you like. Any color you like.   ANY girl can wear ANY color... don't let anyone tell you differently.  The key is to apply your eye shadow in layers... start light and add more until you achieve the look you want.  Darker shades work well in the lid line (the part you can't see when your eye are open).  

    Blush:  There are choices here.  Your face is the canvas and you're the artist.  You can apply blush diagonally from your cheekbones to the tops of your ears... dramatic.  You can smile and bring the color from the tops of your ears to the apples of your cheeks, in a teardrop motion... and add a little color to your nose for that "sun-kissed" look.  With blush, unlike eye-shadow, it very important to pick a color that matches your face... skin tone, hair, eyebrows.  If you're not sure,  I suggest buying several colors of cheap blush.  When you find one that suits you, buy a more expensive brand.... or at least a more expensive brush.  

    LIPS:  Pick shade that matches the palette you've chosen.  Your shadow, blush and lip color should compliment each other.  Stay away from reds unless you teeth are bright white.  If your lips are nicely shaped and have a nice color, go with gloss.  You can change the shape of your lips with lip-liner if that's necessary.  If your upper lip is too thin or your bottom lip is too big... use lip-liner to create a new lip line and fill the outline with a color that suits you.  

    Parenthetically, make-up is over-rated.  Boys don't wear it, but we find them s**y.  Men look great when they're stretching and yawning in the a.m.  It's cute.

    Men are perma-cute because they don't wear make up.  We accept them as they are.  If you asked this question to impress a guy, just flipping talk to him and don't worry that your lack of make up will be a deal breaker.  Any guy worth loving will l**k you clean of all hang-ups.  

    I stand by this advice,


  2. light&natural

    or just none at all

    that always works =]

  3. this is a little vague....i'm going to say using brushes for eyeshadow makes it easy to control the colors...using primers for eyeshadows and foundation are a big plus!...look on youtube for tutorials as well as tips and tricks

  4. Ya wat kind of make-up.

    If it like a dry cover-up, use a pad thing.

    If works really well.

    That's what i use.

    But don't use too much or else u look too fake.

    if its a liquid cover-up, just use your finger.

    hahaha that's what i do though.

    That's my advice.

    Your Welcome.

  5. 3 words... you tube video's  

  6. uhhh what kind of make up?  

  7. if you have to ask, you shouldnt even be wearing any.

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