
What is the best way to aproach potential sponsors for a podcast?

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I have launched a website and am looking for sponsors for a weekly podcast. It will be promoting blues, but especially from a Canadian point of view; not all Canadian artists, but from a Canadian's perspective. I would like some Canadian companies to sponsor, like music stores etc. What would be the best way to approach these companies? Also which would be the best approach - looking for money or product (equipment for the podcast, goods for contests)?




  1. I don't do sales but as a radio production manager  I worked side by side with salespeople, making their commercials. What I learned is that they ask for cash, but settle for trade if it looks like that's all they can get. So go in asking for money, but be ready to accept equipment or listener freebies if necessary, and if it will help you.

    First, check to see if your desired sponsor is already doing an affiliate program. You can usually find that by googling. If they're part of an affiliate system, they'd probably prefer that you go that route, which gives you a percentage of clicks or a percentage of each sale, depending on their policies.

    To sell ads for serious money, research carefully to figure out who the real decision-maker is. Don't take "no" from someone who can't give you "yes" anyway. Avoid those gatekeepers if you can. You don't want them to warn their boss about you. It's important for you to control the boss's experience of you.

    Send a written proposal by snail mail with a cover letter promising that you will call on such-such date and such-such time to schedule and in-person appointment. then do it.

    Good luck!


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