
What is the best way to arrange working time table for employees in Department Store?

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I have a small booth at a Department Store selling some sport accessories. I would like to have some suggestions from everyone about how I should plan the work rotation / time table.

I have to work within these rules:

1) The booth should preferably have only 1 employee at all time.

2) The booth will be open everyday, Mondays to Sundays, 10am to 10pm.

3) I already have 1 employee, Mary, but she can only work from Mondays to Fridays. I will hire another employee.

4) Both employees will be paid on daily basis plus commission.

5) Booth will be locked and keys will be held by Mary at the end of every day except Saturdays and Sundays.

Suppose I hire a new employee Jane, how should I arrange Jane's time table? My concerns are:

1) If Jane works Satudays and Sundays, how will she get the keys to the booth?

2) How about accountability? How do I ensure that the inventory don't get missing? I don't want the 2 employees to be pointing fingers at each other.

My plan is to have Jane to go to the booth on Fridays to get the keys and count the inventory together with Mary so that everything is accounted for. After the hand over Jane will be responsible if anything goes missing. But this would mean Friday there will be 2 girls at the booth. And on Monday Jane will be at the booth also to hand over the keys and inventory to Mary. Then again the booth will have 2 girls.

Is there a better way to handle this?




  1. Do you have very much inventory? This sounds like it could be handled in a healthcare view, which is easier for me to understand. Counting inventory should not take all day. Its more like counting the cart, per say. That way, you might have 2 girls on Monday but hopefully not all day. If pherhaps something is construde or miscalculated; that is where you should step in.

    IMHO,I would have 3 people working the booth. Mary working M-F, Jane working weekends, and (Sue) working a PRN ( as needed) opening. This way sue does not need keys but will be able to cover during the holidays and Mary doesn't feel to overwhelmed. Or if Either Mary or Jane are sick, Sue will be there as a back up.

    Hope that helped.

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