I am 16 and have been home schooled for three years. I do not like a lot of people, and I have anxiety attacks because I am afraid of them. This year, I have decided to face my fears and go back to a regular school. I am the argumentative type of person but at the same time I do not like drama and immaturity. I would rather be around mature people that respect others regardless of their flaws, which is NOT what is in this high school. A lot of people in the high school is the "I do not like you so I will get all up in your face and tell you like it is" type of people. The principals are horrible and will suspend the ones that are innocent and reward those that are not there to learn. I want to go to school to learn and not to feel threatened. What is the best way to avoid immature people and drama in high school? Even if it means not having any friends, I am willing to do it. Any advice or tips? Thanks.
Ps. Any other school is not an option. This is the only school I can afford to go to.