
What is the best way to be perfect in school?

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What is the best way to be perfect in school?




  1. Study, make good friends, and choose the right chooses

  2. If you mean in academics....just always study, do all your homework, and try your hardest!

  3. To try your heart out and work hard for your grades. Give your best at all times.

  4. study your textbooks like the bible and take notes during class, go home and study them. Do you homework stay in school

  5. Study hard.

  6. Don't be perfect--be happy.

  7. are u talkin bout vallyball cuz thats ur topic?????

  8. study your *** off im a freshmn report cards are out and my gpa is a 3.417 which is descent but i wan better

  9. You need to do something different from other students. For starters, take some lessons from private institutes that teach you how to learn more effectively. Sylvan Learning Center and Oxford Learning are some good options.

  10. The best way to be perfect is school?!

    Let me think! I think there`s no way to be really perfect in school `cause no one is really perfect! So, if you want to be good at school pay attention during the lessons, make some notes and study at home! And the important thing is to make homework!

    And I always say: Someone who pays attention , don`t have to learn so much.


  11. there's no such thing as perfect.

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