
What is the best way to become a Trader's Assistant?

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What is the best way to become a Trader's Assistant if you have experience in Operations (Operational Risk Management in particular)?




  1. Take a look at the "red book" (Securities Dealers of North America) for a major firm that's in your area.  The listing will provide the names of those that manage the department.  Give them a call (before the market opens or after it closes), a just try to setup an appointment to "drop" in on them.

    With the internet's growth, most of the trading is done in the main offices, but some major firms have regional offices in major cities who have their own desk.

    Just brokerage firms, banks & fund websites for local offices but once again they have to be good size offices to warrant a trading desk

    If there are major banks or mutual funds, they all have trading desk, some may be listed in the "red book", if not, try cold calling and once again try to "drop" in on them.

    If you're near a major exchange, drop in, get a list of their floor people, and give them a call (but not during trading hours).

    Most exchanges have floor clerks or staff working on the floor, one of these jobs always lead to hooking up with traders.

    Good luck, just keep the resume update, although traders are not big on resumes or really care whats in them just be prepared since banks and fund love them.

  2. Offer a broker a cup of coffee or breakfast if they can give you 30 minutes of their time to ask questions about the industry.  

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