
What is the best way to book a trip to Oktoberfest?

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What is the best way to book a trip to Oktoberfest?




  1. Start Now--Trick is the good tent tickets which are hard to come by (i.e. ticket to Paulaner pavillion or HofBrau Pavillion) I don't know how you would get these except with a travel agent ????? I don't see how you could want to spend more than 1 day there (It is like Padre Island or Ft.Lauderdale on Spring Break.) Munich is one of the greatest  cities in the world with unlimited things to do. You willl love it....

  2. I beleive it's over for this year; I hear the best time to go is actually in late September (strangely enough; it's the celebration before October, as I understand it).

    if you don't like to organize travel details, find a good travel agent.

    otherwise, there are lots of great websites for air, accomodations and ground travel; all it takes is time, effort and interest.

  3. I fear you are too late for this. To be at the Oktoberfest you must Be Very Punctual and Book Vell in Advance. Slacking vill not be tolerated.  Ask your question more punctually next time and practice your oompah music.

  4. Find a fat guy who stinks of sausages,is extremely rude,wears lederhosen and has an attractive sister looking for an English boyfriend, is the best i can think of at the moment.

  5. The Oktoberfest runs from the last two weeks in September to the first weekend in October annually.  To get a hotel at a reasonable price you must book not later than the end of January.  I have used Hotel Dietl Goethe Strasse 11

    80336 Munich in the past.  It is very handy for the main railway station (the train and bus from the airport both go the the main railway station) and the festival ground.  Here's a link to check out.

  6. whats she talking about get drunk and you will wake up there its like disneyland except everyones a lot less cracked up

  7. As stated in some of the more intelligent answers, the Oktober Fest in Munich for 2006 is over(it ended on the 3rd of Oktober).

    Check the official website; German or English) for history and other info like the dates for 2007.

    I have been going to the Oktober Fest in Munich for 18 years. I have never used a travel agent.

    If you want someone else to do all the organizing then a travel agent is the best way to go. But, when they advertise a reserved table in a beer tent; CHECK the fine print on which day that will be and how they will arrange it. I could write pages about this and I am sure you will get some interesting answers on this subject.

    Do you want to spend a day at the fest, or a whole week? I do 2-3 days, but I know some die hards who go every day. Munich is a great city and you can spend a week there no problem. If you have never been to Germany(I have lived here 19 years) then a travel agency would be your best bet.

  8. Be sober when you do it.

  9. You have to book this in advance or you will not find any decent flight prices.  It is all based on availability.

    I strongly advice to go through a good travel professional.

  10. on a plane

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