
What is the best way to clean my messy room?

by  |  earlier

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I have a messy room and I want to make it neat and a picture gallery/Trophy collection and have it not messy. It seems hard to keep it clean. Any ideas? I know about the radio and music but what Else could i do? -Ideas?




  1. Try cleaning one things at a time

    like clean the mess on your bed first, then move on to the floor.

    Or the best thing to do is hire a maid, it will cost u... but atleast the mess will be gone for good.

    But you must remember that once its clean u should stick to a clean room, make sure u put things back or atleast hang the last clothes up... Good luck

  2. A messy room if probably a room full of too much stuff. The easiest way to keep a room clean is to have less stuff.

    If your really interested in making your room easier to keep clean then I suggest the three boxes

    Look at your things. Say to yourself do I like this? Does this have any use? Have I used this in 6 months? If the answer is no then put it in box 1 for the goodwill

    Next say to yourself. I do want to keep this but not display it then put it in box 2 if the answer is yes. Hopefully your parents will permit you to put this box in storage somewhere.

    Then say is this trash if it is put it in box 3.

    Then once your room is completely organized then keep it that way but making sure you pick up your room before you go to bed. This makes a big difference in keeping your room nice.

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