
What is the best way to clean the grooves on my wedges?

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What is the best way to clean the grooves on my wedges?




  1. I have used tin foil covering a Popsicle stick before.  Also, and old toothbrush or other stiff bristled brush works.

    Additionally, carrying a towel with you out on the course and wiping your club face off after each use prevents it from building up.

  2. Water and a soft bristle brush will do the job.  Carry a damp towel while you play and clean them after each shot.  No point in having grooves in your clubface if they are filled with dirt.

  3. First, remove most of the surface dirt by using a sharp pointed wooden tee to do the grooves. Then wet the end of a turkish towel  which was dipped in plain water and rub the balance of the dirt from the club faces. Do the shafts as well. Dry the faces and shafts  with the dry end of the turkish towel .

  4. scrub them using an old toothbrush dipped in vinegar. Always works! :)

  5. Toothbrush and any household cleaner. A golf tee if you are on the course.

  6. Toothbrush is a good way but sometimes because of the soft bristle, it doesn't take the "scum" off so I basically use a toothpick and simply scrap off the heavy dirty with the sharp tip and then finish it off with toothbrush and warm, soapy water. Hope that helps!

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