
What is the best way to compost my dead dog?

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My dog died. I was thinking about rather than burying it, I would compost it. Would it be best to cut the dog into small pieces first, or can I just wrap the entire dog (its a golden retriever) in a tarp and put it by the garden to rot? What would be the best thing to do? Thanks in advance for all the SERIOUS answers. No losers!




  1. Cutting up a dog, even a dead one, is animal cruelty!!  

    I hope like h**l you're kidding because that's sick.

  2. Wrap your dog in paper and bury him.

  3. I'm sorry, but we always bury our dogs.  I just could not imaging cutting them up.  That sounds like a gruesome crime.

  4. Sounds like a bad idea.  To much smelly decay and disease potential.  There is probably a service in your community that will dispose of your dog properly, if you choose not to bury it.

  5. Just bury him under a tree, whole.  Do not dishonor him by cutting him up.  Then when the tree grows and produces leaves or flowers you can remember the good times you had together.

  6. Technically, cutting any organic thing up in small pieces will make it decompose faster.  Putting any organic thing in plastic and setting it outside will make it rot, and rot leads to maggots, flies and a lot of bad smells.  

    Most composting guides do not recommend that animal products be placed in your compost pile.

    If you prefer to compost your dog, rather than burying it in the ground, you will find that the least offensive, easiest way to accomplish this is to dig a large hole in the middle of your compost pile, place the dogs corpse inside the hole, and then cover it up.  Water the compost regularly to keep it moist.

  7. wood chipper.

  8. I don't see what all the fuss is about.  Everybody thinks you're some sicko for wanting to compost your dog.  Burial practices are something that I've always been really fired up about.  Why is littering considered a crime, but putting a chemical laden box, doused in paint, wood stain, polyurethane, and brass fixings in the ground not considered a crime.  We are such a wasteful society- even in death we pollute the earth!  Though i personally would never be able to cut up my dog, i think your question is noble (albeit a little gruesome).  Wrap your dog in newspaper or a blanket and bury him deep, and nature will take its course.

  9. Gross!!!!

  10. What planet are you from? Could you really do that to your dog's remains?  If you wish to give your dog a decent burial, check to see if your area allows pets to be buried in backyards, etc. If so, wrap your dog in a blanket or plastic, & dig a deep hole in your garden or backyard & bury your dog. Maybe a nice stone with an inscription would be nice. Oh, wait, I don't think a person who was going to mutilate his dog's body, would want to bother with a nice stone in memory of his dog. I'm glad you're not my neighbor.

  11. I could not bear to cut up my dog. Just bury it and plant things over it.

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