
What is the best way to condition your betta for breeding?

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I am planning to breed crowntail betta. I was wondering whats the best way to condition them. I read 2 ways of doing it but i am not sure which one is the best. ONe way i heard was to put a female and a male in sperate bowls and put the bowls right next to each other. The other way is to but the male in the tank and put the female in a bowl and put the bowl with the female in it in the tank with the male. Which way do you think is better.

Thanks in advance for your help




  1. Separate bowls and add a small amount of aquarium salt.

    Read my blog post on this for a step-by-step guide:

  2. Just show them about an hour of betta p**n, and dim the lights. Actually I think the bowl to bowl is the best way to get them acclimated to each other.

  3. Both those ways are fine, feed them live foods before breeding them, the live food have a higher fat and protein level to help fatten them up and condition it for proper breeding.

  4. I've successfully bred my bettas several times, and my preferred method is to have the male free-swimming in the breeding tank (so he is able to make his bubble nest anywhere he chooses). The female is kept in an upright glass hurricane lamp chimney ((something like this: )) until she appears ready to breed with the male. Because the lamp glass has two open ends, you can simply lift it up and out of the water to free the female.

    However, this constitutes as introducing the breeding pair, not conditioning them. Conditioning is the period that last about 1 to 2 weeks in which the bettas are kept in individual tanks and fed plenty of rich food, and given frequent water changes. This allows them to get nice and fat and healthy before the spawn.

    Once in the breeding tank, the pair should not be fed AT ALL, no matter how much they give you puppy dog eyes, because it could cloud and make the water unhealthy for your newborn fry. Conditioning is not done in the spawning tank. Remove the female as soon as the spawning is complete, and then you can feed her. After about 3 days, the male should be removed, and at that point you can feed him again.

  5. don't put the bowls next to each other without something on top (a net or something) cause my friend did that she was gonna breed them and the male jumped out and almost died,and please (if you haven't) do alot of research it can be complicated good luck :)

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