
What is the best way to connect items to the T.v?

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I have a t.v with HDMI & scart connections aswell as other connection options...

I want to connect a DVD player, A surround sound system and a normal video recorder. I was thinking of connecting each commpontent with a seperate scart lead to the t.v but require three 5m scart leads (= lots of cash), i have been told that you can plug each seperate commonent into some sort of box which will then connect to a t.v using a single HDMI connection.??? It this right and if so how much do they cost and where can i find one??




  1. Well in short... with the proper cables.

    You don't have to buy that best cables. But if you have an HD TV and HD Cable or Sat. you should invest in the best that you can afford.

    As far as the physical hook up. It is pretty easy. Most things are color matched.... Or in the case of HD hookups they only can go one place and can only go in one way. Even if you have two HD inputs. It really doesn't matter with one you use. Just pick one and select that input spot from your TV menu system.

    We would need more information to proceed further with an explanation.

    One thing I would recommend though. Is to purchase a High-End surge protector, make sure you get one that also protects the cable connections from your wall as well as the power outlets. They can be purchased for around 50 bucks. Some higher. Keep in mind that you spent a lot of money on the TV and all the accs. So 50 more dollars could save you thousands and a lot of aggravation if something where to occur.

  2. Just hook them together...It's not that hard...

  3. Most electrical stores have them. They start at about £10. The ones with remotes are a bit more.

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