
What is the best way to conquer a hill while riding a bike?

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Every time I ride my bike and reach a hill, I give up, get off the bike, and walk it. I've only been riding for a week and I love it so far. But my self-confidence is taking a beating every time I reach that hill. I put the bike on the lowest gear and I just feel silly when I do that. It seems like I move slower than I would if I just walk. Any advice?




  1. how many gears does your bike have?

    i weigh 280 and have little problems climbing big hills.. dont get me wrong though they do take their toll on me when i finish climbing them but i make a point to myself never to get off my bike while climbing hills. (i feel like a tool walking my bike up hill)

    I find getting in the right gear helps the most. Also dont use up all your energy trying to speed up it because that's when you get tired half way up and end up walking.

  2. It depends on the hill.

    If it's a long steady climb, it's best to go down into the low gears & keep a regular spin action. It may not seem the fastest way, but it's the most energy efficient way of doing it.

    On the shorter hill climbs, standing on the pedals works for me.

    If it becomes a bit hard, I sometimes have a short break, by having a sip of water, counting up to 10, then getting started spinning again.

    Or I try to focus on reaching the next power pole, sign post or bend in the road. Breaking it down into smaller sections does make it seem less imitidating.

    There is nothing wrong with walking up parts of a hill if you feel the need. Sometimes it's not a bad idea to give your legs a bit of a stretch, and it's not "cheating" (whereas calling a cab to drive you the rest of the way to the top is!)

    Those people  sitting in the cars passing you, are the one's wimping out, not you.

    Try to find out what works best for you, but remember that your gear range is your best defense.

    Keep practicing the hill climb. Over-time you will be able to ride up it in a higher gear & you will wonder why it seemed so scary in the first place.

    Edit - and for every up-hill there is a down-hill. And what's not fun about riding down a hill!

  3. Every time you hit that hill set a goal for yourself  to make it past the point where you got off it the last time.  Switch to a lower gear and pedaling faster will also help out, keep your cadence up around 75-90.  

  4. try spinning and the easy gears for you do not be afraid to stand on your pedals and if you are in a safe place LITTLE To no CARS zig -zag or snake up it ,give it time and you will find what works for -BUT NEVER -EVER DO YOU GET OFF YOUR BIKE try small hills first speed does not count as try much as you beating it

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