
What is the best way to control the mind of your enemy?

by  |  earlier

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For her own good?

Thanks a lot.




  1. stay her enemy..

  2. Confusion!

    Be as kind, loving and giving to him or her as you can.

    They will either be so confused as to begin to avoid you or they will become your friend.

    There is an old Arabic adage that runs, "Be kind and good to your enemies as it is like heaping hot coals onto their tongues!"

    Be well and be wise.

  3. intimidate her.

  4. Unless she is mechanical, you can not gain control.

    It sounds to me like a Battle of wits here.

    If that is the case,You need alertness and to be one step ahead of your enemy at all times.

    Think like her,do what you think she will do before she does it.

    Personally if I had such an enemy I would leave her/him to their own devices.

  5. The best way and manner to gain complete control of an en enemy if to make her yours. Break her away from her current support system, leave her in a state of isolation and solitary confinement, torture and torment her without mercy.

    If she is an ordinate being she will break and soon see you for the sole saviour that you seek to be. If she is of a similar nature then it may prove a futile task, she will become accustomed to the haranguing and violence and consider any other good soul far too sound for a wretch such as her.

    It is if course a dangerously precarious game to play liable to backfire, a devil may care attitude will stand you in good stead.

  6. We cannot control the mind of anyone else, but ourselves'.  If you try to control your enemy's mind, you will only be her best victim, she will take control over you, stepping on your need to control her!  It is better you let your enemy alone and walk your way with friends . Everybody knows what is good or not for themselves, so this enemy knows better.

    I don't understand why do you want to help 'for her own good' an enemy ? I think you don't see her enemy enough. Look better inside of you.

  7. harness their powers o.o

  8. put them into a position they cant control then the only option to them is what ever you decide

  9. To control the mind of an enemy: You would have to become the enemy as well which would make you a friend to your enemy and a foe to your friends. Go figure! So Enemies usually find someone else to mess with when you are not around. So i would say dont be there.

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