
What is the best way to cook the crab ?

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The crab still alive, do I need to kill the crab first or.....?




  1. mula - mula pegang tangan dia yang banyak tu .. i means both side ,ok.. but must be careful with penyepit.. then senang jeer .. letak baik - baik dalam kuali .. put slowly leer bro, nanti dia nak keluar plak..

    then.. letak sikit garam secukup rasa ker, put some kicap ke.. supaya ssedap.. lepas tuuu .. ape lagi... makan leeer bro..

    good luck ...k..

  2. mr crab ada hati sakit


  3. eat with salt alive

  4. put lemon juice...then eat em alive..hehe

  5. Rebus saja la... you ketuk the head first to kill it, otherwise it will crawl out from the kuali.

  6. Deep fried it with wasabi or cheese

  7. Just don't eat it raw. I did it once and I ceretted.

  8. bakar hidup-hidup..

    mmmm, good!!!

    PEACE =D

  9. soak the crab in full water to suffocate it!!

  10. nope

    cook it alive..

    i repeat..ALIVE

    let it suffer,...miahahahaa!

  11. Humban ketam ke dalam kuali berisi air yang mendidih.

    Ambil ketam dengan penyepit, letak atas pinggan dan siram dgn sos tiram.. huhuhu

  12. timbak the crab first!

  13. goreng pun sodap

  14. Grill it over the fire after you have marinated it. You have to kill it first or the crab will suffer and they will no longer give you blessing

  15. Kill and cook at the same time...Usually just put in salted boiling water - shell and all.     This way, you get pure crabby flavour.  Eat usung fingers, with chilli and vinegar and light soy sauce....maggi sauce also can do... also good with curry sauce (dip like matabak)...

  16. BBQ Mr Krab alive.

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