
What is the best way to cope with anxiety before school starts

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my brother is extremely anxious about starting high school, he has about 10 days left of summer vacation, what should i tell him and what suggestions do you have for him as what to do for remaining days of vacation... poor guy has not gotten any sleep for the past two days and his health is really starting to concern me... i m trying to make him exercise




  1. Hi, I am the author of

    Do not worry, I am not spamming my site - my site don't sell products or anything. My site is solely dedicated to panic-attacks or people whom have anxiety. I give tips on how to sleep even if you have anxiety.

    Please do visit and post any questions there or here so that I can help you further.

    I have been a sufferer for 12-years and am doing well. My blog is dedicated to help. I will be updating my blog every 5-7 days on new ways to cope anxiety. I have just made few good entries on coping - I hope it will help you.

    I started out taking prozac 20mg daily.. then it dropped to 10mg and now I am just taking 5mg and still doing very well. I might be considering taking medication off my life.

    And most importantly, I am here to help you because I know how it feels to have anxiety or panic attacks.

    I have just posted a new entry and uploaded some good files for you to do some relaxation, and there are techniques to overcalm immediately!

    All the best,


  2. Take him to the doctors Id say!

  3. He can talk to you about his fears and you can help him to see that they are all in his head. Unfortunately until he goes back to school and see that his fears are irrational, then he maybe still anxious. You just have to support him until he is back in school then this issue will no longer be an issue.

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