
What is the best way to cure a hangover?

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What is the best way to cure a hangover?




  1. Eat something greasy before drinking. This will coat your stomach with grease to prevent stomach upset. Drink water through out the night while drinking. Just chugging before going to bed won't be completely helpful because you're body won't be able to absorb so much at once. When I am so hung over I can barely eat, I have sprite/ginger ale and nibble on saltene crackers. Sometimes water is too hard on my stomach and I can't drink it, but sprite is a little more soothing and is more hydrating than other sodas and does not have caffeine.

  2. egg flip or

    bloody mary or

    black turkish coffee

  3. Drink lots of water.  A hangover is caused by your poor dehydrated brain craving water.

  4. take this and you will feel like new and forget about hang-overs

  5. Cure: A greasy breakfast will make you feel better, but you'll still feel a bit gross. Be sure to rehydrate.

    To stop a hangover from occurring: Don't go to bed very drunk. If you have to, drink a tall glass of water before going to bed to keep from dehydrating (its dehydration that gives you the head's-gonna-cave-in headache the next day). After you wake up to pee in the morning, drink another glass and go back to bed for a while longer. You will sleep it off without too many ill effects.

    How to stop an impending prayer session to the porcelain gods: take 2 Rolaids and drink some water. It can work instantly.

  6. Simple.....Before going out to do power drinking, take 2 aspirin..... Also, drink 16oz of water for every 2-3 drinks you have....I've not had a hang over in years........It's better not drinking.....

  7. I found that marijuana kicks hangovers like a bad habit!

    haha but yea, eases the headache completely, spikes your appetite, lifts your mind and body, gives you happiness and makes you feel great!

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  8. Best way I have found of avoiding the impact is to try to avoid the hangover in the first place - not by not drinking (heaven forbid!) but by consuming a good couple of pints of water prior to going to bed.  Doesn't avoid the hangover COMPLETELY but it certainly makes life more bearable the following morning by reducing the impact of the dehydration.

    Then everyone has their favourite hangover foods, don't they?  Mine is a full English breakfast, accompanied by a glass of milk and a mug of tea.  By the time I've got that inside me I usually feel fully restored!

  9. Hello Cassie. Hangovers are an occupational hazard of partying, it seems, but they needn't be the dreaded affliction that most sufferers make them. There are several acupressure exercises that you can do to minimise the pain of a hangover and give you a rapid recovery.

    Acupressure is like acupuncture but without the needles. It's been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of ailments. The important thing is that it works (but don't ask me how).

    Next time you are suffering, try this little exercise for quick relief.

    This exercise should not be done by pregnant women as it can induce premature contractions in the uterus. What I want you to do is to find the point that is located by holding your index finger and thumb close together and then finding the high point of the protruding muscle on the back of the hand.

    Then spread your left index finger and thumb apart and put the thumb of your right hand in the webbing on the back of your left hand (in the place that formed the high point) and the fingertips on the palm directly behind your left thumb. Firmly squeeze your right fingers and thumb together and apply pressure towards the bone that leads up to your left index finger. Hold for one minute and then change hands.

    This exercise is a general pain reliever and especially relieves headaches caused by hangovers. There are several other equally beneficial exercises described in the free resource listed.

    Do try them and see how you get on.

    Good luck.


  10. keep yourself below your limit and take a couple of aspirins with a glass of water when 30 minutes before you go to bed

  11. Start drinking again! Or before you go to sleep take a couple of asprins and drink a gatorade.

  12. I find that alka seltzer and mineral water work great.

    Also sweating works too. Either find a sauna or get some sun at a pool, have a  good sweat going and drink plenty of water to replenish the fluids you lose. I stress drink plenty of water if you sweat it out, as you are already dehydrated.

  13. I don't drink but I often hear eggs with hot sauce.

  14. Drink a cup of lemon tea..Works every time for me.....

  15. Buy the Chaser pill, simple as that.

    Also, they say "liquor then beer, never fear" and "beer then liquor doesn't flicker". So basically, drink the hard stuff first then sip off beers for the rest of the night. Don't let yourself get totally wasted - you have to know your limit. I can't stand the people who drink and drink and drink and think they know what they're doing, then they end up making complete fools of themselves and not remembering it. I've hardly ever had a hangover and don't remember the last time I threw up from drinking.

  16. 24 hours is the best cure.  Just hang in there and it's gone.

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