
What is the best way to cure the tongue pierce?

by  |  earlier

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my friend just have the tongue pierce last friday and she cant eat any rice or everything except biscuits..cures, or tips..please..its a serious question




  1. I had got me a tongue ring in feb my tongue was swollen 4 about a week n when I talked people couldn't really understand what I was saying I was told not 2 eat any soild foods b/c if food get suck in the hole it could become infected (it could also get infected if she doesn't clean it so after she eat she should wash her mouth out with mouthwash that's alcohol free )  so I had eat soup, jello, puding, ice cream yongurt n some really other soft stuff that wasn't hard 2 eat

    If she tries eating anything soild she's gonna end up hurting herself

    her mouth has 2 get use 2 having a metal balll in it after it heals she should look into getting a plastic stud for it. Metal ones can crack the back of your bottom teeth.

  2. The piercer should have told her not to take any solid foods for 1-3 days and not to drink anything out of a straw. After the ring in placed in the tongue, swelling occurs which makes it hard to handle foods that you would normally eat/drink. The swelling should go down in a few more days. If it doesnt it may be infected and you should seek your family Dr or ER for a medical assessment.

  3. when i was young and dumb i had my tounge pierced to but it only stayed swollen for 3 or 4 days...until then she just got to wait it out....thats just the body natural defence feels a weird object that shouldnt be there in her mouth...i will eventually accept if she gets pus or a infection then you take her to the dr. if that swelling goes on for another week contact a dr. i know its kind cool to have a tounge ring but not if it gonna cause health problems

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