
What is the best way to cut a mango?

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  1. There are people who like to slice pieces off the seed, rib the flesh and turn them inside out. But I like to peel mine with a potato peeler and then slowly eat it down to the seed.

  2. -Cut down the middle around the giant seed

    -With one of the 1/2's make a checkered pattern by cutting horizontally and vertically all the way across.

    -Turn inside out and you should have mango cubes

    Repeat with other 1/2.

  3. Cut all the sides off, careful not to cut into the large pit.  Once you have all the pieces (which will appear very small in relation to the size fo the whole mango), you can then run a knife between the fruit and peel to remove the skin.    Or, score the fruit into 1/2 inch squares with the skin still attached, then fold backwards and the squares should peel off the skin.

  4. start at top and follow the pit on all sides

    should get 4 nice pieces

  5. Cut it in half,  vertically.  Then cut slices vertically and horizontally.  Peel skin back, and remove cubes.

  6. With a knife?


    no cut it side ways in small slices until it gets all rough the do the same from the opposite side and then the other two sides!

  7. I just tried to put my method into words which (it turns out) is pretty hard to do XD! Sorry!

    I'll put the link to a wikihow page which describes the process in writing. The second link is a youtube video which shows my method perfectly and also shows a few more. (I have to say I'm a fan of the "hedgehog"-esque presentation.)

  8. "Inside Out" Mango Cutting Method

    Stand the mango on your cutting board stem end down and hold. Place your knife about 1/4" from the widest center line and cut down through the mango. Flip the mango around and repeat this cut on the other side. The resulting ovals of mango flesh are known as the "cheeks". What's left in the middle is mostly the mango seed.

    Cut parallel slices into the mango flesh, being careful not to cut through the skin. Turn the mango cheek 1/4 rotation and cut another set of parallel slices to make a checkerboard pattern.

    Turn the scored mango cheek inside out by pushing the skin up from underneath.

    Scrape the mango chunks off of the skin, using a knife or a spoon.

    Hint: If you are making a recipe that calls for diced mango, make both directions of parallel slices in step 2 closer together. In step 4, slice the mango flesh away from the skin in several shallow layers, rather than scraping down to the skin in one step. The result is small pieces of diced mango and no need to further cut up the mango pieces on your cutting board.

  9. Cut from top to bottom but OFF CENTRE - both sides of the stone. That way you get two fairly large "cheeks" of it, and what's left around the stone is known as 'chef's perks' in the trade, but of course, if you're at home, they're yours too ! ! !

  10. Try cutting it down the middle.


    Step by step guide.

  12. Try cutting it diagonal.  

  13. Slice around the sides as close to the stone as possible. Cube the peices you have cut off while still in the skin and turn the skin inside out to push out.

    This video should help:

  14. First peel it thinly and then cut slices off it, going around the mango until you get close to the stone without actually cutting it.

    Tesco are selling nice ones at 75p at the moment.

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