First I will say I love my mother and as I have gotten older I have learned how to love myself. My mother has always treated me cruel for no reason. I always listened to my parents and was a good student in school. Even once I was older when I was given a curfew, I followed and if for any reason I was going to be late I called way ahead of the time I was supposed to be home. But my mother would lock me out of the house or just do mean things like yell at me for no reason. My sister had a child at 22 yrs, I was 18 yrs with no children, going to school full time and working full time, helping my mom pay her bills as well as pay for school and whatever bills I had and she would tell me I can not go anywhere I had to stay home and take care of my niece while my sister could go out and party. At first I used to say maybe she wanted me to stay home so I would not do the same thing my sister did but when I would ask her why she would just say because she said so. I got past all of that but now that I have grown up, gotten married and long moved out she is still unnecessarily mean to me and now my kids. She would buy my niece and nephew christmas and birthday gifts but not my kids and when my kids ask me why she does that I honestly have no answer for them I constantly make excuses like sorry guys maybe she forgot or maybe she did not have enough money. I have nicely asked her why she does that and she would just start yelling at me and tell me I am acting stupid or what the h**l am I talking about. I find myself avoiding visiting or even taking my kids to visit which I know is wrong but to protect my feelings and theres whatelse can I do? Any advice or suggestions? Or should I just accept her for what she is and let it go?