
What is the best way to deal with bass vibrations from my neighbors?

by Guest58225  |  earlier

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The neighbors in the apartment below me refuse to turn down the bass component on their stereo, so I am stuck with a constant low-frequency rumbling. Since the neighbors ignore the police and landlord , and my 33db earplugs do not drown out the rumbling and shaking, what options do I have at this point, besides moving out?




  1. Well, I don't know what will work, but I'll share what we did with a similar problem.  In our case, we had a neighbor that refused to believe me when I told them that their outdoor light was totally illuminating not only the back of our house, but even my daughter's bedroom at the FRONT of the house.  In addition to being annoying, it is strictly against community covenants.  They kept leaving the light on at night.  After repeated requests and more than one invitation to come over to see for themselves, once again we invited them over to experience it for themselves.  They came.  They saw.  They realized what rude, inconsiderate boorish neighbors they had been, especially when they found out I had a sleep disorder that was aggravating some other health problems and that they were making it all worse by lighting up my bedroom like a Christmas tree on steroids.  Even the amount of light in my daughter's room was ridiculously bright. They stopped leaving the light on after that.  

    So maybe you can invite them over and come up with a suitable sob story that will cause them to take pity on you.  Or strike some sort of arrangement about when they can blast their music and when they will keep it down.  It is usually best to stay on good terms with your neighbors and landlord.  Maybe you can ask for a rent reduction in exchange for staying/renewing your lease.  Or if you don't want to stay on anyone's good side, have you checked the ordinances in your area to see whether or not this is an offense that can be punished or fined in some way?   If it is, you may have some leverage to work with.  If there is a community association, contact them and see if they have any ideas or resources for you.  It may be that more people are bothered by this kind of problem, either by the same neighbors or different ones, and two-plus heads are more likely to come up with a solution than just one.  Good luck!

  2. Get a running machine and use it as soon as you hear them turn their thumprs off.

  3. I always do this except I live in a house so that means my music is really loud! But just go turn off there fuse box or play your stereo even louder. Maybe the will see how annoying you think it is.

  4. Get out some heavy duty pans with handles, and when they play their music, sit in the floor and bang your pans on the floor to the beat of their music--and really loud!  When they realize that you do this every time they have the bass turned up, it might annoy them enough to turn it down.  Good luck!    :o)

  5. If the police showing up on their doorstep once a week doesn't help - how about cash?

  6. how bout put **** in front of their door..lalala

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