
What is the best way to deal with depression?

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i'm 15. my parents fight all the time. my dad pulls my ears when i dont do what he wants me to do (usually to tell something to my mom--i usually refuse). my whole life is just falling apart. i dont have any friends i can confide in. infact i dont have any friends at all. everyone at my school are fake. all i wanted to do was to go on vacation for once. the last time we took a vacation was in 2006 and that was so my dad can visit some of his relatives who arent very nice to me and my mom.

please help. school starts soon. im going back to school the same way i ended it last year. this year is going to be important (sophomore year). i dont want to mess up like i did freshman year. i tried starting to study for sats but i always get distracted and stressed.

please help!!




  1. Yeah, my dad and mom argues too. You can talk to your siblings or a counselor - although that sounds weird. You can make friends online!

    Smile, when you smile, people think you're friendly and you can make friends with them. Hang in there no matter what, don't break down! Just keep on going! You can do it, I am sure. =)

  2. talk to a school counselor. bottom line, champ!

  3. go talk to your guidance counselor. they are very helpful vbelieve it or not

  4. Don't stress. Sophomore year isn't that bad and it is a little early to have started studying for the SAT's. One worry down.

    Friends- Take up a sport this year. Something you wouldn't normally do. Something you won't take too seriously. Even if you aren't good at it you will have to make friends on a sports team. Also you will get excerise, clear your head and be away from your parents. Also, write in a diary. That way atleast until school starts you can organize your emotions and priorities on paper.Also get yourself to the gym to get in shape for school and your new sport. That way you will have a goal to work toward and you will forget about taking a vacation.  Best of luck. And don't worry about school so much. You will be fine.  

  5. What I find really helpful to have a real fun relaxed stress and anxiety free day is to drink a few beers during the day. Have a few good beers in the morning, then if you go out, take a hip flask of whiskey with you and have a few good swigs during the day. After a super start to the day get stuck into the booze in the late afternoon. It really gives you a good night’s sleep and when you wake up feeling a bit fuzzy the next morning a few good swigs will set you up for another good stress free day. I’m having a ball and doing really well with my studies at University. I have a great part time job at a local book store and the management have no idea I’m half pissed all the time, I got employee of the month for the last two months and I am leading part time sales by heaps this month. It certainly makes the time go quick and adds a lot of fun to the day. Highly recommended.

  6. The best way to deal with this is to tell someone about it. Find someone you trust, like your mom, and share your feelings, open up about how these things are effecting you. Then work with this person to help you find a solution. If you feel it is hard to open up maybe you should try writing a letter or other alternatives to share your feelings. Sometimes in life we reach a certain point where we wonder "can life get any worse," but don't fret, it WILL get better.- Hopes this help.

  7. don't let any one get u down

  8. i think you need to relax! i am going to be a sophmore to but you just need to breathe and enjoy being a teen!

    you need to hang out with you and your mom and you guys just need to relax.

    prolly not everyone at school is fake! just try to meet new people and be out going. the whole high school experience is fun dont take it way to seriously!

    and dont sweat parents fighting its wat builds them later in life!

    chill and breathe you will be fine and find someone to talk to!

  9. "everyone at my school are fake"

    Wow!  Everyone!  

    "i don't have any friends at all"

    I think you need to find out why you don't have any friends and then fix it.  There is something about you that people just don't want to be around you.  Are you overly sensitive and can't take a joke?  Are you bossy and domineering?  Are you hyper and over talkative?  

    Only you can figure out why you have no friends and only you can fix it.

    What does not going on vacation have to do with your not having friends and your inability to study and do well in school?


    Tell your father to please not pull your ears.  Tell your parents that when they argue it upsets you.

    You have to take control of your life as you are responsible for your actions and behaviors so when school starts you turn over a new leaf and make friends and study hard and walk the walk and talk the talk.

    Put the past where it belongs in a history book and move forward on a positive note.

    Good Luck

  10. Youre very lucky, I havent been on a vacation since 1982.  

    If your parents are fighting all the time, then that is their concern. It doesnt meant that they like you less, just that people who are married tend to argue.

    Find a number of hobbies that dont cost a lot of money but make you feel better.  Secondly in order to have friends with a deep relationship you have to be willing to listen to their troubles and they be willing to listen to yours.  There are people out there who will make very good friends with you if you give them half a chance.

    Best of luck.

  11. Hi I'm 15 also.

    i start school on monday =/

    i know how you feel!!!!!!! I'm also going to be a sophomore too

    (well kinda.. i messed around in school & got 4 F'S) NO JOKE

    my dad is pretty strict and he also likes to pull on my ear too.

    i don't really get along with my family..

    ppl can try to be cool but forget them.. they are SUCH losers inside.

    well, one way i like to releve my stress is to write or draw something,

    then read it or look at it for a while, then tare it up.

    well i really hope this helped because we got so much in common!

  12. Step 1: Ensure your emotion is controlled daily. Don't over reacted, stay calm and don't get worry easily

    Step 2: Think before your action. Don't repeat her past experience on herself. Remind herself from time to time.

    Step 3: Be confident to yourselves. Remember everyone is the winner. "Only One sperms out of millions fertilize an egg"

    Step 4: Get a group of close friends to share your experience and get some activities that would occupied your time

    Step 5: Increase scope of life. Meaning that she should involve in more social activities like dancing, outing and others.

    Step 6: Put a rubberband on the wrist. If there is a negative thought, Tighten the rubber band and release it. Hence the effect of the pain would be able to reduce the possibility of negative thought.

    Good Luck.

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    Besides, If you have more psychological problem, please write to me at

    Good Luck.

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    Besides, If you have more psychological problem, please write to me at

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