
What is the best way to deal with?

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Pent up frustration...




  1. Its ya teenage hormones. Kevin

    Look Kev, theres ya mate Perry down there chatting about headbutting people




  2. My answer will not be popular, but I pray...

    For others as well as just myself...

  3. hormones

  4. I will let you know tomorrow, but no details.

  5. Go have a lie down, and heed the advice offered in Yellow pages adverts.

  6. By hitting Sir Shambo over his growing... ego


  7. Few deep breaths followed by some meditation, the other option is s*x but I am single so it is all I have ha ha.

  8. Shout at everyone on here.

    They deserve it lol x

  9. put some music on and dance round your living room

    seriously I do it all the time

    better than going out and headbutting someone :)

    Steph that must make you Mrs Paterson!

  10. kick the cat

  11. kickboxing

  12. A Top Contributor badge.

  13. eat

  14. AAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH I just scream my head off and sulk.

  15. It's just those teenage hormones, Perry lol

    Steeeppppphhh stop copying me

  16. Cleaning the house with the music blaring usually works for me :)

  17. Have s*

  18. I know, but I'm not gonna say it.

  19. Pink


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