
What is the best way to deal with sadness and depression?

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What is the best way to deal with sadness and depression?




  1. It is all in your head

    Just think happy

    Just be happy

    Even pretend to be happy

    Do things that will make you happy

    Take care

  2. To pray go God. participate in service activities. help those who are in difficulties. There are many who are in still worse conditions than us. It is temporary, passing cloud. Happiness is an interval between two pains.

  3. You should keep yourself busy in activities like your hobbies, curricular activities. Join your friends and talk with them a lot.  

  4. this is totaly matter of ur mind. ur mind is continueously moving towards negative yhinking. so first of all stop that. then keep lot of patience. work in right directions with right methods. i would like to tell u that everyone knows what is right? and what is wrong? just try to move forward with right side(whatever ur matter???)and again keep lot of patience..... thats the only one answer "KEEP PATIENCE". Time is NUETRAL. ur the creater of TIME as however u want........

  5. Talk....There is always somebody to talk to when you are sad or if you are depressed — somebody who can help.

  6. All of the above advice is great particularly about exercise but distraction is a type of avoidance which doesn't really solve the issue.

    Also avoid all and any medications, drugs or over indulgences of any kind.

  7. remember the good times,and be happy about it,then all the bad times will look like nothing,you have to draw happiness from within,and from those around you,just don't try to forget,then you will be depressed in trying to forget while music that you like ,in a strange way music help us heal,even if it means remembering our loved ones it has a true heart...and it also lifts depression...fill your life with happiness,in your own way..good luck..  

  8. walking and exercising is the best thing to do ..

    walking help to release a hormone that make you feel happy .... it is very important to walk for 20 - 30 minutes daily ..

    do some exercises ... and try to get a partner with you in your walks or exercises ...

    here you can find some exercises tips:

    good luck

  9. To take over it by good memories like looking at old pictures!

    Just hope for the best!

  10. Just dont try to forget wat u r sad for..dont try to ignore.. the more u try 2 ignore the more sad u ll be...

    wat u hav to do is....

    imagine to the extreme... there are really more sad and depressed situations people face around u!!!

    Now take a deep breath and say...


  11. go to a doctor, most of the time it is a chemical imbalance that you have no control over

  12. Hi---Coping with depression can be challenging. Depression makes it hard to engage in the behavior and activities that may help you feel better. Talk to your doctor or therapist about improving your coping skills, and consider these tips to cope with depression:

    Simplify your life. Cut back on obligations when possible, and set reasonable schedules for goals.

    Consider writing in a journal to express pain, anger, fear or other emotions.

    Read reputable self-help books and consider talking about them to your doctor or therapist.

    Don't become isolated. Try to participate in normal activities and get together with family or friends regularly.

    Take care of yourself by eating a healthy diet and getting sufficient sleep.

    Join a support group for people with depression so that you can connect to others facing similar challenges.

    Stay focused on your goals. Recovery from depression is an ongoing process. Stay motivated by keeping your recovery goals in mind. Remind yourself that you're responsible for managing your illness and working toward your goals.

    Learn relaxation and stress management. Try such stress reduction techniques as meditation, yoga or tai chi.

    Structure your time. Plan your day and activities. Try to stay organized. You may find it helpful to make a list of daily tasks.

    Don't make important decisions when you're in the depths of depression, since you may not be thinking clearly.

  13. Self confidence and hope.These can be developed by believing in one's ability. Such a belief emerge when one expresses oneself, engages oneself with people, things, work around and get recognition, regard, appreciation from others. Getting connected is the best way to overcome the feelings of loneliness, isolation and hopelessness.

  14. Eat a small quantity of sugary foods to increase blood sugar levels, preferably in the morn.

    Increase seratonin by consuming starch based foods, mashed poatato example is a great comforter.

    Try to focus upon positive things that invoke happy memories, feelings and thoughts.

    Seek out the company of someone trustworthy and good counsel and snal yourself out of the bleak mood ...

  15. Accept that it is what you are feeling, do a yoga practice or other form of exercise to calm your mind and body, go out and be with other people even volunteering to help with an organization that caters to people who are less fortunate in all matters.  I think accepting the sadness and depression is key.  If it becomes a clinical matter then a counselor can help.

  16. Fight against it.

    there are many things around you that can make you happy

  17. Give it a few days, because often it is just a natural, but temporary feeling in hard times. In the meantime, eat right, get some exercise, and get out and have some fun!

    If it lingers for more than a couple of weeks, however, it may well be the symptom of a much larger, biological problem. If you stay depressed for more than two weeks, I highly recommend that you see a doctor about it.

    Good luck!

  18. TRUST ME! i know this... the key is DISTRACTION! It's the only way.

    And the worst way to deal with it is sitting on your *** thinking about it. You are the master of your destiny. You can make things better... Just go forward and dont look back!

    Someone always has it worse off than you...

    Keep ur head up!

  19. Take it easy.

    Take life easily.......

  20. make it turn against itself

  21. I think the best thing to do is go out and indulge in something that takes your mind off of things- like reading.  

  22. Healthy habits, eating fruit vegetable and excercise  .

    go out side

  23. Be even-minded

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