
What is the best way to deal with someone who always changes the subject to something about them?

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Sometimes it's not even about their own personal life, but whatever agenda/philosophy they are angry about this week.

For example:

"Yes, I'd like some chicken nuggets, please."

"By ordering chicken nuggets, you advocate the eating of meat, which calls for the destruction of animals, which is part of our patriarchal culture, which oversees the systematic destruction of our society and the planet in general!"

"Um, I'd also like some barbecue dipping sauce with those."

"That sauce is red like the blood that runs through the streets of Baghdad, and is caused by the illegal and immoral war of the Americans!"

"And, I'd also like a milkshake, please."

"That shake is cold which is directly related to the global warming that is caused by the evil globalization brought on by the greedy capitalistic monsters!"

Do people such as that who respond in such a delusional, know-it-all tone actually look that stuff up somewhere, or do they just make it up as they go along?

Just seems sad that there are some who live their lives in a constant state of agitation. What is the best way to bring someone like that back to reality, and get them to stop being so self-absorbed? Or is it a lost cause?




  1. , Walk away, slowly, quickly, just walk away.  It is called narsacism and there is no cure , lol .  Even If you are abnormally patient you wont be able to help cause all you can do is listen and bite your tongue.  Walk away

  2. i would suggest informing them that their method of shoving a ton of unnecessary and out of place information in your face is not actually working at all. then i would tell them that, actually, lecturing constantly is a very unpleasant habit and you're going to stop hanging out with them unless they quit.

    you'll be met with hostility, i guarantee it, but they might stop and even if they don't you'll be able to snap at them next time they do it. you might just not want to be around them.

    hopefully, they'll come to their senses.

  3. in the polite way, tell them to keep all of there opinions to themselves

  4. I normally just make it up, just throw in a bit of the news and say it like you mean it, and even if it's complete *rubbish* most people will fall for it.....

  5. They just don't feel like talking about what you want to talk about.  If they're agitated, it is best to not talk about certain things.  Ask about what they like to do for fun or if they wouldn't mind going for a nature hike or see animals in a zoo.  That is what cheers me up.  I like to explore nature and see what kind of animal or plant is out there that I haven't seen in a long time.  Try not to say anything that might start them off with the war or something.  Try games too.  Like Yahtzee or Frackle or something in that sort.

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