
What is the best way to deal with someone who harasses me about my religious beliefs?

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I am a Christian, but it is a private matter that I do not choose to share with others.

Several months back, when my coworkers asked me what I was doing for the weekend, I just casually mentioned that I was going to a Christmas party. I did not say that they should all go, or that they need to be "saved". In fact, I never mention my beliefs to any of my coworkers.

For some reason, one of my coworkers, who is a militant atheist, now feels the need to harass me every day about how "dumb" I am, and how being a Christian is "silly", and that I need to wake up.

I am not bothering him about his beliefs, so I am at a loss as to why he is bugging me. He seems to get a lot of pleasure out of being a jerk and constantly reminding me that atheism is the only true following.

HR and management do nothing about it. What is the best way to deal with someone like that? He is one of the most immature, closed-minded people that I have ever met.




  1. "HR and management do nothing about it" this is a very, very good example of how the world is just against God and his children. somewhere in the bible it says do not get so worked up by people like him. HE has no idea how what a dangerous position he is in right now. he doesn't know the truth because he refuses to see or hes too blind. your part is to pray that he does open his eyes before its too late. Atheists think they know it all but they don't. no wonder my dad doesn't like them, because he said all they do is intentionally harm and offend people.

    and Speaking of HR, MY HR made us watch a video of all kinds of harrassment and religion was one of them. if the retarded HR department doesnt do anything about it, then you need to go deeper and find THEIR boss and complain about it.

  2. So your question is how do you deal with an immature, closed-minded person, right?

    I have no idea.

    However, isn't it part of the whole Christian thing to take on martyrdom like it's a blessing?

  3. I don't buy your story. There's something that doesn't quite make sense: Why would anyone assume that you're a devout Christian by simply saying you're going to a Christmas party??? I know many atheists and agnostics who attend Christmas parties. And it cannot be the case that you are the only one in your workplace who celebrates Christmas and is a Christian (unless you're living in a non-Western country).

    Only another Christian would believe your "ordeal"

    But IF this is true, then......

    I'm sorry about what's going on in the workplace, but frankly, as an atheist myself, I have to tell you that from FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE, few people are more bullying, close-minded, and arrogant than devout Christians (just LOOK at the second response)

    The best thing to do is approach this guy calmly and talk it over: You never know, maybe he has had some nasty experiences with religious people while growing up, and any religious person he meets brings back vile memories, hence his hostility.

  4. the first answer is true about "when men say all manner of evil and unkindness against you falsely for MY sake, then we are to rejoice"  

    But yeah,    i know a professed athiest, hmmmmm they are tough nuts to crack,

    what to do in a work enviorment, and about his personality,   i don,t know,   being a christian you do not want to be crule, and you do not want to force anything, trying to tell him it is very rude to make those remarks about being "dumb" might have some effect,  you might try saying to him,   "well, since you don,t believe, then why mention anything i  am talking about, or if he uses such terms as h**l and d**n,    or if he uses the name of the Lord in vain,   say,"why do you use these terms or and expressions, if you don,t believe??    

    i don,t know what to tell you,   you know those that say "there is no God, in their hearts"   are fools,    as the scripture states,       avoid him as much as possible, at least not having conversations around him,

    i hope the Lord blesses you with a better work enviorment, a new place of employment, or maybe the conversion of your co-worker, and he becomes "born again""    i pray for a peaceful work place for you and good relations among you all, amen and amen in Jesus name.   have a good day  and God bless  

  5. Remember that Jesus said blessed we r when we are persecuted.

    Try to show him that u r good. Show him ur love to him although he is treating u badly.

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