
What is the best way to deal with someone who harasses me and my religious beliefs?

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I am a Christian, but it is a private matter that I do not choose to share with others.

Several months back, when my coworkers asked me what I was doing for the weekend, I just casually mentioned that I was going to a Christmas party. I did not say that they should all go, or that they need to be "saved". In fact, I never mention my beliefs to any of my coworkers.

For some reason, one of my coworkers, who is a militant atheist, now feels the need to harass me every day about how "dumb" I am, and how being a Christian is "silly", and that I need to wake up.

I am not bothering him about his beliefs, so I am at a loss as to why he is bugging me. He seems to get a lot of pleasure out of being a jerk and constantly reminding me that atheism is the only true following.

HR and management do nothing about it. What is the best way to deal with someone like that? He is one of the most immature, closed-minded people that I have ever met.




  1. tell him that last sentence. or take him out to the parking lot after work and explain to him that he is in no position to harass you when more than 50 % of the world s population is christian. then give him a swift kick to the nuts. that aught to teach the b*****d.

  2. There is nothing wrong with someone asking questions about your beliefs. It becomes a problem when people start mocking your beliefs. That is wrong.

    When I was a Christian, I was hanging out at the bar with this guy named Christian, who is ironically an atheist.

    A stupid song came on. I said, "This is probably the music they play in h**l." Obviously I was just making a joke about how stupid the song was.

    The guy then proceeded to tell me that if I believed in h**l, I was an idiot. Then he lectured me on how stupid my beliefs were, though I didn't even really bring them up.

    Even though I'm not a Christian anymore, I still think it was very rude. Some people just go too extreme in their beliefs, no matter which side of the fence they're on.

  3. Give 'em bible quotes or tell 'em they are goin' ta h**l

  4. don't respond

    turn the other cheek

  5. Just ignore him.  Don't let him get to you and it will stop.  If you show that it is actually bothering you then it will continue.

  6. I'm having a hard time believing this scenario to be true.

    You're not giving very much information except for your plight. There must be a reason for his actions, something you said or did. Although, this does not mean it explains away his asinine behaviour.

  7. Which country are you in?

    America & europe have laws prohibiting this type of behaviour, so

    you're either misrepresenting your case or not actively trying to ameliorate your situation. Either way, pass the drink please.


  8. pray about it and pray for him to come to know god - put it in god's hands and keep the faith and do not react to what he says - let it roll off your shoulders- god bless u - stay strong and keep the faith

  9. If you want to know a sure fire way to deal with this problem this is what I recommend.

    1) Stand firm in your faith. Don't be bullied, or humiliated by the words of anyone because of it.

    God's approval is all you need to look for, and the good news is you already have God's approval!

    2) We don't not fight against flesh and blood, but with the powers and principals of the air. A Christian's battle ground is in the spirit realm.

    If you want this situation to stop, then pray that it stops. Pray for the person's eyes to be opened, pray they come to know God, and don't be shy ask God to take this situation away from you.

    Say you start praying and in a couple of months, that person suddenly gets transferred, or promoted to another job. You're happy that they are gone, and they are happy because they advance. Problem solved.

    God can do all things. Just remember that.

    Use this opportunity to grow in God as well as grow your spiritual muscle-power.

    God bless.        

  10. tell that co-worker that you don't bother them about their religion, and u appreciated if they stop with yours. But you still got to pray for them as a christian.

  11. In the same way as I abhor so called Christians who try to force their beliefs on me I equally detest those that try to change or undermine those with no beliefs who insist that only they know best.

    Simply tell this person that you are happy and comfortable in what you believe and that your religion brings you peace and contentment. They must have serious doubts abouts their own beliefs or rather lack of them to feel that they need to harass you in such a way. If the problem persists write a formal complaint to your HR dept and tell them in  no uncertain terms that if the problem persists you will seek legal advice with a view to taking action against them for workplace harassment. They should sit up and pay attention to this.

  12. I dot know..what would you do, if someone from your circle said, he/she has a imaginary friend named Bob?

    You would look at them with curiosity, no?

    He might be coming from exactly same base.

  13. Since I don't know his side, I can't really give you a complete answer.  However, even an atheist can be a jerk, especially newer atheists that still harbor a lot of resentment for being indoctrinated for so long.  I've also seen this in newly converted Christians.  They tend to be the most gung-ho for a while.

  14. 1) Pray for him.

    2) Be kind & gracious to him.

    3) Buy a voice-activated pocket recorder. It is legal, as long as one of the parties is aware of its' presence. You will be that party. After several instances of his harassment, you can then take that to HR. If HR refuses to act on it, you can file a grievance.

  15. Why are you silent about Jesus? This is very very serious! Consider the option that your kind of behavior doesn't testify your Christianity!

    "Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.""

    "I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God. But he who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God."

    And about the persecution, it is a normal thing!

    "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?"

    "That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."

    Atheist is just behaving like one, but are you behaving like a Christian?

  16. What country are you in ?

    In the UK it is illegal to harass someone on the grounds of their religion. If the HR department is doing nothing, take it further, to the C.A.B. for example, they are very helpful people and will at the very least point you in the right direction to get the help you need.

    Good luck.

  17. Do as we all do on Y/A .... report him. Call the non-emergency police dept in your area and file a police report. I think what he's doing has to be some kind of hate crime.

    BTW ... although us Christians are to turn the other cheek, there is such a thing as biblical self defense. Take a look at Sampson and Deborah in the bible.

    I pray for God to make your enemies your footstool. Put on the FULL armor of God and in doing so, Stand!

  18. There are tools in our little club just as there are in yours.

    It's hard to deal with unreasonable people but if you told him he was being as 'evangelical' as some of the more extreme Theists you might get results.

  19. Just ask him to stop.

    He's giving a bad name to atheists. Every atheist I know does not force being an atheist upon others.

  20. Like Kiki, I find this one very surprising to say the least. However, there are a few people who can be like that, coming from whatever belief or non-belief. You could always respond to the person asking him  just how open minded and tolerant he is willing to be. Apart from that you just ignore him. The more he talks, the deeper he'll sink. Or, you could try turning the other cheek. Say, "Oh yes, I'm dumb, but that's what I believe", with a smile. And if you ever get a chance to do the person a good turn, do it. (without being obnoxious about it).

  21. Ignore them

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