
What is the best way to determine the rpm that you are peddling on the bike?

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What is the best way to determine the rpm that you are peddling on the bike?




  1. choose a foot, and count pedal strokes for 60 seconds, or get a cyclometer with cadence..

  2. Buy a speedo and use a calculator but I don't know why RPM would be important. I'm usually satisfied with knowing what speed I'm doing.

  3. The best is to get a speedometer with cadence, If not you can count your pedal stokes. Cadence is probably the most important piece of information you need when riding, knowing your speed is nice but if you are in training it is worthless. Knowing your cadence will help keep you in your targeted work zones (along with a heart rate monitor) and also help you determine if you are in the correct gear.    

  4. Get a Spedometor for your Bike

  5. There are a couple ways of determining your pedaling cadence.  

    - you can count pedal strokes for a period of time.  I usually count pedal strokes for 15 seconds and multiply by 4.

    - get a cycle computer that is equipped with cadence.

    When my son was young, he had a tendency to not shift gears.  I got him a cycle computer with cadence and told him to shift his gears so that he was always pedaling between 60 and 90 RPM.  It worked great.

    We got him one of these:

    Hope this helps.

  6. you can actually watch a clock and count how many times your foot goes around in a minute, or the easiest is to get a computer that has a cadence function that keeps tract of it all the time.  after awhile you get a feel for it and dont really need it though.

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