
What is the best way to disciplin my son?

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I want to put the fear of pain into him. But i do not want to leave any bruises so his teachers do not ask any questions. SHould i use a phone book? or just belt his *** red raw with a leather belt... Thoughts please




  1. beat him..plain and simple

  2. I prefer using a piece of chalk and draw a circle in a corner and make him stand there on tip toes for 10 minutes, every time he lets his feet down or turns around the time starts all over again . . .trust me this hurts their feelings a whole lot worse than a butt whipping but if u end up having to bust butt then use a long handled plastic spatula and be sure to only hit the butt

  3. I have a 3 year old son and a 12 year old son.... i have found over the years that the best way to punish a child is to put him/her in a room (Bedroom) and take everything from them except for their school books..... let them stay on punishment for two weeks straight and dont get nice and let them off early..... the fear comes when u tell them that the next time will be 4 weeks

    Trust me it will work

  4. Look, why don't you beat yourself with a cat'o'nine tails. Then he'll be petrified you'll do it to him too, but he won't actually have any cuts or bruises. You will, of course, but you'd deserve it for asking such a vile question.

  5. belt or your hand

  6. ummm how old is your son? because that is kinda important...and i dont think those are effective anyways, my mom always had fun with a wooden spoon!

  7. Hit him on the stomach with a twig.or you could also make him eat a t**d.or you can also just use a big spoon.

  8. I do believe in sparing the rod yes, but only for some children. Its not always effective.  Using a form of punishment that just causes pain to try to curb a negative behavior can actually cause repressed feelings and still don't resolve the issue.  Your suggested options of how to actually beat your child with out "evidence" ---is a bad sign that would possivle insinuate that it is on the brink of abusive. (I use to get whippings on the bare back when I was younger)   Try different forms of discipline that involves restriction of entertainment to enforce your rules and acknowlege the feelings that your child is having in particular situations and give useable advice how to avoid and handle situations again or brainstorm with your child of better choices.  The idea is to mold your child into a responsible adult making sound judgements.

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