
What is the best way to discipline a 3 year old?

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What is the best way to discipline a 3 year old?




  1. That depends on how severe the offense was.  For something that could cause injury to themselves or others, a spanking.  For lesser offenses, taking away privileges or timeouts often work.  For the times they don't work, a spanking comes in handy there as well.

  2. well you discipline them by spanking there *** and sitting them on time out  for 3 mins bc thats how old they are


  3. Smack her hand, it worked for me.

  4. Prevention, redirection, positive reinforcement, time outs (when necessary), and loss of privileges (when necessary).

    Try to avoid situations in which you know you will be faced with a cranky toddler and have a power struggle on your hands.  If you know that his behavior isn't its best when he is tired or hungry, then make sure you stick to his nap and meal schedule as closely as you can.  For example, if you take a child who hasn't napped out to do errands and expect him to be on his best behavior while you take him around town for two hours, you can't exactly blame him when he has a meltdown.

    Make sure you praise and reinforce good behavior, instead of just focusing on his behavior when it is bad.  If he does a good job listening, cleaning up, sharing, etc., make sure you tell him so.

    When he doesn't listen, calmly take him to his room (or another desginated spot) for a three minute time out.  This not only removes him from the situation that created the conflict, but it also gives you both a chance to cool down.  At the end of the three minutes, speak to him and make sure he knows why he was put into time out, get his reassurance that he won't do ________again, give him a hug, and send him on his way.

    For other infractions, such as refusing to clean up toys, make the punishment fit the crime.  He won't pick up his toys, despite your having asked him more than once?  Grab a big box, throw the toys in it, and take them away.  He gets to earn them back by cleaning up without complaint for the next two days.  

    You need to be consistent, but using consistent discipline doesn't mean having to sound and feel like a drill sergeant all the time.   Never use empty threats with your child.  If you tell them that something is going to happen if they don't listen/cooperate/behave, then make sure you are prepared to carry through with that.

  5. Three year olds can be very challenging, I know I have one! I've tried time outs but she always just runs away from the time out spot!

    I've come to find that the best thing that works for me is to just hold her by the arms, (firm enough but not too firm) look her strait in the eyes and tell her she is being naughty and her behaviour is unexceptable..then refuse her of what ever she is throwing the fit over. After I have made my point..explaining why she is being naughty I place her away..usually in the same area. If she runs out of that area then I just let her throw a fit there walking away and ignoring her. Lately I've been placing her in her room. Eventually when she stops crying and having a tatrum I then ask her if she's okay then we talk, I explain to her that I love her and the reasonings why that kind of behaviour is not tolorable.

    We try to work somehting out. Or I'll try to make her laugh!

    Three is worse than two I think..just always remember to be patient, take a deep breath and walk away if you need to!


  6. i spank if the offense is serious enough, otherwise i tell my kids "NO"  and redirect them to play somewhere or send them to their room if they have a tantrum.

  7. My son is very headstrong. And big. I am not able to lift him anymore.

    I take things away from him. I say "If you do/don't do this... I will take your cars away".

    Or, "Do this or or stop this, or I will put you in time out." I put him in time out at Shoney's yesterday!

    They get the point when you stick to your guns. If say you will do something, then do it.

    And when he does something good, lay on the praise!! Go over the top with it. Tell them how happy they have made you.

  8. My son absolutely hates standing in the corner.

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