
What is the best way to discipline an ADHD child?

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My son has ADHD. i have done the medication and do not like how it takes the personality away. He is currently not medicated. My issue is this: He is almost always polite and respectful of me but there are a few people that he is just down right rude to. Please what can I do that is productive and does not rip at his self-esteem?




  1. have him pick out his faveroite thing and take it away for as long as you need to!

  2. First you need to find out why he is rude to certain people. Ask him for his thoughts on this.

    After you have discussed the reasons, ask him how he can treat them more nicely. If he doesn't have a resolution, then give him a sentence to say, such as, "How are you?" He should listen to the answer and then say, "It was nice seeing you," and move away.

    These are called replacement behaviors for the problem behavior. You must teach and reward them. Practice role plays during your discussion. Have him practice what he is to say, with you being the person he is rude to. Reinforce him with praise or a small treat.

    The thing is, we teach other things to kids, but we rarely take time out to teach behavior. It is the fatal flaw to most punishment plans. With punishment, we take away something for the misbehavior, but we don't teach anything to take its place.

    We also reinforce kids who get an "A" on their spelling test, but we ignore it when a child improves their behavior. So tell him that he if he can use what you have taught instead of being rude, he will get a small treat. Later, you can replace this treat with praise only.

    If you think you need a punishment, make sure it fits the crime, so to speak. If he is rude to someone, he should have to apologize or perhaps be excluded from the situation.

  3. No best way, but the three main things to remember, whatever you choose, are to:

    1.  be consistent

    2.  be consistent

    3.  be consistent

  4. Does him having ADHD really affect how he treats other people? or is it just him being a kid?

    I don't really think I would treat him any differently than a kid without ADHD in this case. How would you discipline a child without ADHD if they were rude to people? I don't think giving him the same type of discipline is going to harm him.

  5. Been there! I tore the prescription up and refused. I gave my son a spanking (nothing major..mild) and told him that was how he'd end each day if he didn't behave. 4 weeks later he has yet to have to have another. ADHD is a medical term for "better way to raise children" for the medical community to avoid telling parents to bust their kids butts...however...I DO believe some kids actually do have ADHD. My son was diagnosed with it and has not been medicated but perfect for 4 weeks. Ironic?

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