
What is the best way to display online proofs to my clients?

by Guest62800  |  earlier

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Right now I am uploading images one by one onto a image hosting site and then putting the photos one by one onto each clients proof website. I use to have a paid account that I could click and drag folders right from my computer onto the webpage! It was amazing, easy, and saved me a great amount of time. I recently cancelled my account though so I'm doing what I said in the first sentence.

I'm looking for a better free way to display my clients proofs to them. I'm willing to pay if it's really worth the money and my time saved. Just not $100 a year like my last account with very limited space to work with.

Can a serious photographer help me with this? How do you show your online proofs to your clients?





  1. I use Smugmug for proofing. Unlimited storage. Add photos. Delete as much as you want. Password protect them. Right click protect as well. A Pro account cost me $104 for the year. This is with a coupon code. You can do a search on Google for coupon codes. I've been with Smug for 2 months and already had orders from clients so far to about $301. I've made up the cost for the year and made a small profit. This is money that I normally wouldn't have made. My work consist mostly of weddings and Smug fits the bill nicely. It really saves time too and well worth it for me. It's essentially not costing me anything but helping me make money.

  2. Watermarked!

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