
What is the best way to dispose of unused, expired prescription pills?

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What is the best way to dispose of unused, expired prescription pills?




  1. Flush them down the toilet

  2. down the drain or put them in a bag tie them up and in to the garbage can

  3. flush them or bing them to any pharmacy the'll take them

  4. take them to any dispensing pharmacy/chemist - they have the means of disposing of all pills and medicines safely,  throwing them in the garbage is very dangerous and flushing them down the toilet could upset the chemical balance at the treatment plant and cause serious environmental problems.


  5. I just throw them out as they are, straight into the bin.

  6. Ok, I know like, everyone above me said it, but do NOT flush them, and do NOT throw them out. If you throw them out, even if they're in a bag, they can get broken open and then eaten by plants or disolved and leak into the ground, which then alters the genetics of plants growing there.

    Flushing is even worse because they disolve, and they are hard to get out of the water, so they generally go back into your drinking water. And thats just what ya want, right? M.m.m. Penecillin in my water.

    Just take them to any pharmacy or doctors office, clinic, or hospital (even the pharmacy at like, walmart or a grocery store), or a hazardous material drop off, and they'll take them for you and dispose of them properly. They will go straight into a biohazard box (you can drop them in these boxes if you know where any are) and be disposed of properly.

    Its the same as throwing batteries out. Shouldn't do it, they're a hazardous material.  

  7. Some communities have special days set aside where the local fire department or similar collect old and expired prescriptions for disposal.  If you need to get rid of them now dump the pills out in the trash..preferably when there's something nasty in there already to help further dissuade people from wanting to dig them out!  Flush them ONLY if the label or instructions for them say so!!  Some medication can be harmful when introduced into the water system.

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