
What is the best way to do a background check on a potential nanny?

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I will be doing interviews for a permanent nanny soon. I have looked at what it will take to put an add in my local newspaper and I have contact numbers for the childhood development department at my local community college for an intern. I plan on interviewing several potential nannies before I make a decision but am unsure about the most efficient, cost effective way to get a background check on them. I always hear people say, "and I did a background check..." but they can't tell me how (lol). I am also unsure if I want to do the interviews at my house or in a public meeting place. Is a public meeting safer then at my home or just paranoid? If in public, where is an appropriate place without a deposit fee? I don't want to pay several deposit fees for a place I may have to use at spontaneous times.




  1. Any background check I've taken in the past have been done at the Police dept. They do a fingerprint check. I have no idea what the cost is as the employers paid for them. Contact the police dept. and see if they can provide the background check for you. As far as a meeting place I would suggest a local park, or a restaurant. It's private but open. I don't believe your being paranoid at all, your being a responsible adult. Now days you just don't know about people. The most important thing is protecting your children. You can always invite them to your house for a tour later and meet your children when you find the person your going to hire.  

  2. the only way i know how to do a back ground check is to go get a form from the state police department, for an FBI check. or your city department . The FBI back ground check cost is around $35.00 each. I would put in the add   that they need to get their own background check and put with their resume. You could always reimburse the one that you hire. I feel that If your job is going to be a nanny or something people need back ground checks for and you are not going through a company that does one for you than You should get one and have it with your resume. It show the Employer that You are serious and that YOu are not afraid of what they might find out about you.  

    If you are wanting to interview the nannies in a place other your home you could check to see if your local library has conference rooms and have them meet you there. It usually doesn't cost anything.

    You might have the first stet of interviews there to rule out the ones you are sure you don't want in your house and then have another interview with the remaining ones at your house so that you can let the one you do end up choosing get a view of what she will be dealing with.

  3. not sure about the background check you could ask your local police dept how to. and you could do the interviews at your home or if your not comfortable with that then just go to starbucks or something

  4. there are websites dedicated to just what you are looking for. they do background checks and have references and all that stuff.

    try these websites and i hope they help ; ; ;

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