
What is the best way to drive traffic to my website, apart from articles and link exchanges.Please give advice

by  |  earlier

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We have tried so many things, and litlle of it works.Please give some good advice, it would be most appreciated




  1. Write articles about your website or ideas.

    Submit your website for users to review, free!

    Go to Famous Pages

  2. I think i have the right resource for you.  This team has given me very good ideas on how to drive traffic to your site.

    Click on "get traffic" button

    Hope this helps you.

  3. You missed an oppurtunity to posting a link here at Yahoo answers. Remember to always write the http:// before the web site address to create an active link.

    More tips:

    *Create email signature link files that link back to your site.

    *Have press releases announcing your web site.

    *Have your web site as a resource, not just a site for your product/services. For instance, my web site offer software downloads and links to helpful websites, as well as providing an article feed that updates occasionally.

    *Join sites like, Twitter,, Yahoo 360 page, and other social networking sites and network. This means filling out the profile information and linking up with 'friends' and groups on each of these sites.

    *Sign up with, and other bookmarking sites.

    *Be sure your letterhead, business cards, and even vehicle has your web site address featured on it.

    *Cross link with other sites that will post your link if you add their link to your site.

    *Create a blog and add as an RSS feed to your site which offers updatable content such as specials, information, etc.

    Place on your site a means to which visitors can sign up for email lists to get updates.


  4. Forget link exchanges. Lots of good, original content. Have a look at our website. Website design and promotion. Not a sleas pitch but information we have learnt from experience in developing our website.

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