
What is the best way to earn schoolership?

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What is the best way to earn schoolership?




  1. be dirt poor is the best way!

  2. It never fail to amazes me the amount of people on this who which to study abroad, and yet can’t spell basic words, or put two sentences together.

  3. The best way to earn a scholarship is to highlight your best quality. Take something you're really good at and magnify it so that people become aware of your talent. For example, some people are good musicians so they may earn scholarships for showing their talent in bands or musical groups at school. Others are good academically and they reflect their talent through their grades. People who are good athletically earn sports scholarships. All you need to do is find what you are good at and express your talent to the highest potential. Scholarships are also available on a financial basis. There are many different types of scholarships and ways to earn them. You just need to figure out which is best for you. Researching the types of scholarships available at the colleges you're looking at also helps.


    try registering with that website, they have plenty of scholarship opportunitites which require you to write essays, etc. to qualify for them.

    also, check with your school for local scholarship opportunities.

    good luck!



  6. Um, learn how to spell to start off with.

  7. Write some essays, the details should be in your schools career center. Also you will need recommendations from professors.


  8. and learn to spell (Scholarship)

  9. Learn to spell, get top-notch grades from a competitive, well-respected school.  Research the scholarships available and only apply for those where you meet all of the requirements, e.g. citizenship, planning on a specific major, sports performance, etc.  Enter competitions:  science, music & other scholarships are often given to winners of national spelling bee, science fairs, music competitions, etc.

    Foundations & national organizations often sponsor scholarships with unique qualifications required of applicants.  Also, some companies have scholarships for children of employees, but the employee must have worked for that company for X# of years, etc.

  10. first start by completing a full year of schol

  11. do well in school and learn to spell because you may need to write some essays

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