
What is the best way to educate the masses about the consequences of global warming?

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What is the best way to educate the masses about the consequences of global warming?




  1. Give them a drink out of your cup of Al Gore's kool-aide.

  2. Global warming isn't real.

    What don't you get?

    The earth's climate has always gone in cycles.

    This is a estimated climate chart from the past 400000 years.

    We only have concrete evidence from he past few hundred years or so, which is not enough to make conclusions.  Based on the charts from the past 200 years or so, yes, the climate has steadily gone up.  So are we assuming in previous years the climate was lower? and lower? and lower? and.... then what?  The earth is BILLIONS of years old.  Not 200.  Just because the temperature has gone up in the past couple hundred years is not enough to conclude that it will continue rising and that this is not normal.  It IS normal. The climate goes in cycles.

    Imagine if it was 60 degrees one day in July and I said, "Oh, It's a cold summer." You would tell me I was being ridiculous, because that was only one day or the entire summer and I can't draw conclusions based on one day. It is the same concept.  You are making your judgments based on only a small fraction of the time earth has been around.

    Oh, and by the way, here's the past 20 years:

  3. Address the issue in a sober manner without any of the Chicken Little "THE SKY IS BURNING! THE SKY IS BURNING!" fanaticism.  Give people true data instead of propaganda and trust their intelligence.

  4. The masses have already been brainwashed on the global warming hype.  It's a bunch of c**p, ignore the Media.

  5. Simple. Run for president. Talk about Global warming as if it is something serious. Make a movie about it. Win a Nobel Prize.

  6. Make them read "Chicken Little", replacing the word "falling" with the word "warming".  The End.

  7. take them to the antarctic so they can see the massive increase in ice this winter, then take them to the arctic to see the massive increase in ice up there, then take them to africa to see the poor people that aren't allowed to move forward in technology because of the moronic westeners that won't allowed them to move forward because of the scam called global warming

  8. There is a market for scepticism driven by fear/reluctance to  change our lifestyles.  Downsizing one's carbon footprint is something of an effort but once actually undertaken, like many things, is not as bad as the prospect, especially when technology is used as a tool and it is seen to be a coordinated effort.  There is already unanimity amongst the reputable long standing scientific organisations and the majority of leading politicians and business leaders accept that man made global warming is real.  We are in that difficult stage, of any large project, where doubts and fears are given free reign.  Once decisions are made on action and it is under way opposition is more easy to move to the sidelines as society takes steps in the right direction.  It becomes easier to focus on the authoritative studies which do not indicate either the end of the world or that it is nothing to worry about.

  9. Start running around like a chicken with your head cut off.  Nobody wants to hear about this because its a cyclic thing and Mother Earth will be fine for millions of years to come......unless.............a huge volcanic eruption occurs.   We have much more to fear from natural causes than a bunch of Al Gore's extremists who perpetuate this myth in order to secure funding.....

  10. Take an Ice cube and put in a cup of warm water, then watch it as it slowly melts and that is an example of how the ice is melting, and the excess water will drown us all.

  11. You act as if you are somehow better than "the masses".

    We, the masses, aren't asking you for an education.

  12. How about researching the topic themselves without someone feeding them the information.  That way, they will see that it's nothing more than a scare tactic that's attached to a naturally occuring planet phenomena which is used to tax us even more heavily, allow for more unecessary governmental growth, and limiting choice in what is supposed to be a free market society.

  13. this is a very important topic that is not being addressed b/c of a few reasons... 1. b/c of its association with Al Gore and 2. b/c the current ways of doing things which are hurting the enviroment are cheaper.

    Solution...There needs to be credible researchers who talk about global warming in a manner in which people relate to. Simply saying the temperature is going to go up doesn't sound serious. In fact I would love to have a warm winter. I think the key to educating others about this topic may in fact to stop using the term global warming so flippantly and simply start talking about the effects that greenhouse gasses have on the environment.

    For example when C02 in released into the environment it also goes into the ocean. When the levels of C02 in the ocean increase life such as coral reefs are killed. When the coral reef dies  so do the animals that make their homes within the coral reefs. This process is helping to make thousands of species endangered and eventually extinct. But still what does this have to do with us? Biodiversity is important to the survival of mankind. Why? Infectious diseases often make a jump from animals to people. Some of the deadliest viruses originated in animals. examples...HIV and Ebola. When the biodiversity of the Earth declines that means there are less animals and it makes that jump of a possible new disease from animal to man all the more likely to happen. Another affect of C02 in the atmosphere is the holes in the ozone. As the ozone continues to be depleted the amount of ultra-violet rays coming into our environment increases. This has a direct impact on the rise of skin cancer in the world.

    The world will probably not be completely destroyed in a mega storm in movies such as the day after tomorrow suggest but the continuing pollution of our planet has very real consequences

  14. Try telling the truth, then people might listen for a change.

  15. For the masses, popularizations of the science like An Inconvenient Truth are a good way to get their attention.  Some guy won a Nobel Prize for that.

    People who want a better and more precise explanation can then look at the more precise science in other places, like these websites:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

    Of course, the ultimate proof is here:

    summarized at:

    Official statements from scientific organizations that global warming is real, and mostly caused by us are also useful.  People like:

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    Like most issues of public policy, statements by our political leaders are also important.  Like these:

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    "Our nation has both an obligation and self-interest in facing head-on the serious environmental, economic and national security threat posed by global warming."

    John McCain, Republican, Senator, Arizona

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