
What is the best way to emotionally hurt a parent?

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My mother left me outside the bank in the freezing cold rain this afternoon for more than half an hour, she said she would pick me up. Eventually I reallly had to go to the toilet so I quickly dashed into the library bathroom which is next door to the bank. Completely soaking wet and freezing I sat down for five finutes in the library trying to warm up.. Unfortunately at the same time my mother arrived (37 minutes late) to pick me up. She waited a whole THREE minutes before I realized she was there.

As I got in the car, she screamed at me for keeping her waiting. She screamed in my face that I was an ungrateful little b****, how dare I keep her waiting, how rude I am, how much of a cow I am, how she hates me as a person, how I dont care about her or show respect.

We just got home having narrowly avoided a fatal car crash...

This is typical of my mother. She is an abuser. She screams at people. Screaming insults in someones face is abuse and she is very good at it.

Hate is a strong word but I think at this moment I actually HATE my own mother. I hate her. I absolutely HATE her.

I want to emotionally hurt her, SCAR her like she has done over and over to me. How?




  1. Chili Pepper...I am so sorry.  This breaks my heart.  I have 5 sons and I would NEVER talk to them that way.  Yes, I do get upset at them, but I do not yell and call them horrible names.  

    I am not sure how old you are.  If you are close to 18, I would just handle this and leave when you are 18.

    If you are younger, you might have to tell your teacher that you are being emotionally abused.

    Do  not sit and think of ways that you can emotionally hurt your mom.  All that will do is eat you up alive.  Don't do t*t for Tat...that will just rot you away inside.

    Keep a diary, write your down your feelings.  write poems, songs, stories.  Vent out your anger that way...get it out.  But if you plot of ways that you can hurt your mom, it will destroy you inside.

    Also, remember day you will be a mom...remember that you do not want to hurt your children the way that your mom has hurt you.  Break the a NEW person!

  2. Army Bride pretty much said it.  I can't think of anything more painful then thinking my children never wanted to see me again.

  3. I think if she read this it would probably hurt her emotionally!!

    I think you might want to sit back and realise that it could be you being a typical teenager. I'm sure when you are older you will realise that you probably push your mother so far she shouts. Maybe screaming in your face is a little extreme, but I don't think she is abusing you. You should think yourself lucky. Some kids really ARE abused. I am sorry if I am wrong about this but I have been a young teenager and I thought my parent were terrible, but now I am an adult, I realise that I am gonna be a fab mother coz I have been tought respect!

  4. The first poster has a good idea.

    If your mother is truely abusing you,tell your school counselor or call the police, or DHS and leave an anonymous tip and see if they will do anything about it, if you really want out.

  5. Respect her and do what you're told until you're 18.  Then move out, get an unlisted phone number, change your name, and never talk to her again.

    I'm currently working on that... ooh my dad is never seeing his grandkids...

  6. Move out but I still wonder why you'd rather wait in the rain than follow your mum in the bank ???

  7. oK I think both you and you mother need to go and see a EXPERIENCED psychologist nearest you. Maybe she is going through some med life crisis or something. I think you should give her some time to chill, and stop being so hard headed. I'm sure you yell at her as much as she yells at you. Just let her scream at you...Hear it from one ear and let it come out the other, besides they say when you laugh it out the other party gets even more pissed off. LOL i'm serious try it out. Next time when she yells at you, just laugh it off don't say anything back...IT WORKS...SHE WILL GET PISSED AND WONDER HOW YOU DON'T GET MAD.  it seems like she gets a joy out of you getting mad. So instead BE HAPPY. :)

    Good Luck.

    ps: If there is any beating going on please call 911  lol

  8. Chili, you have done nothing wrong. Don't let people act like "you're being an unruly teen" NO ONE deserves to be treated as you have. You don't have to take that. Abuse is abuse whether she is laying a hand on you or not. Call the police and tell them what's going on. They will help you from there, that will hurt.

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