
What is the best way to enter illegaly to Mexico?

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I need health care , I was told is free in Mexico,and my son want to be a doctor, and i would not be able to aford it here , however , i'm told is cheaper in Mexico, furthermore, I drive a hummer and i'm told gas is cheaper in Mexico.Any body?




  1. Just get a passport

  2. Let me see if I understand this....You can't afford health care, yet you're driving a Hummer... and now you're suddenly concerned with the price of gas,your personal health and your sons future education. And furthermore, you have decided that the best solution to all of these problems can be found by entering Mexico illegally....That's a joke,right?

    F.Y.I. Gasoline is indeed less expensive in Mexico and health care is also less expensive,but contrary to what you might have heard, it's not free. If your son is normal, he will change his mind about what he wants to be at least fifty times before he is even old enough to attend college...Best of luck with your border crashing scheme,I can't wait to read all about it in the Tijuana-Daily newspaper.


  3. Come into Mexico by land, air, or sea on a tourist visa. Then, when it expires, don't leave.

  4. Just go to Canada instead

  5. Go ahead and come down . I think you will return home in under 2 days.

    Your Hummer will be stolen, cops will pull you over and think your tied to drugs.

    Nothing good can come from this.

    Juan make Mikey laugh

  6. I agree, why in the h**l are you driving a Hummer and actually complaining you can't afford something far more important such as healthcare?

    And no, not exactly. IMSS healthcare is free IF you can manage to sign up. It has very specific rules. For an American such as yourself, you'd need an FM3 working visa (which isn't easy to get) and you'd have to work and live in Mexico.

    Private healthcare in Mexico is still insanely cheaper than in the US. You could get an appendicectomy by laparascopy in one of the luxurious Angeles or ABC hotels.. err. hospitals for about 5000 US dollars if you don't mind only being able to stay for 2 days (the stay in those hospitals is ridiculously expensive).

  7. Health care isn't free in Mexico, but it is cheaper. Unless you and Hummer are on an Interpol watch list, just drive south and cross the border. If you apply for a visitors permit, there will be questions. Gas was 2.45 a gallon yesterday and Americans are flocking to our stations to fill up. There is a rumor of rationing. Get rid of the Hummer.

  8. Go to Lajitas. If you don't know where that's at, look it up. Down by the river, look for an old man in a leaky rowboat. He carried my mother and her husband across for like one dollar, but it costs three if you want back. Once across, you should be able to find another guy in a pickup to carry you to town.

  9. Getting into Mexico illegally is really easy - you just walk right in at any entrance point. Actually you're not illegally in Mexico until you drive away from the border town. You can stop and get a tourist visa if you want when you cross, but nobody will be looking for it. As you drive south, they will stop you 15 miles (maybe it's km) south of the city and check your vehicle. Mostly they're looking for drugs and guns. At this point they (the nice gentlemen with automatic weapons) may ask you for your tourist card, but that's pretty unlikely, especially if they are busy.

    You don't need a tourist card if you are in a border city for less then three days.

    Getting out is a bit more challenging. You'll shortly (I'm thinking next year) need a passport to get out, and even now I don't know what all c**p you need to carry with you if you don't have a passport. On top of this I believe I read that the line in Tijuana is some two hours long to get into California. It is usually that long in Juarez, too.

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