
What is the best way to explain gravity?

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What is the best way to explain gravity?




  1. A standard definition...

    I believe that gravity as conventional science knows it is generated by standing, repeating waves that are very local in nature. In an object, the total mass of the object generates these waves continuously. This plugs the mass into a particular niche of space-time, and the surrounding area is warped by the object because of the wave's emissions. It wants to temper the space-time that is in close proximity with it to behave in the way it is behaving. A strong gravity matrix is generated by slow moving, repeating waves that echo in the nearby space-time, forming a warpage. This becomes an attraction to bodies that are close by. Get enough gravity and time begins to slow down, and the slowing of time is also part of the gravity matrix. It is an area where time slows down, hence the "dent in space" idea. It pulls things down because down means towards greater locality.

  2. The earth is a huge magnet and whatever you drop, gravitates towards the center of the earth, but stops at the ground of course.  Like any magnet, when astronauts fly away from earth, the huge magnet doesn't have enough pull so they just float in zero gravity.

  3. to express it as simply as possible, you can say its a force that pulls an object to the ground. give a demonstration.

  4. um,drop something and explain!

  5. Gravity is the force that causes objects with mass to attract.

    Gravitational force = (G * m1 * m2) / (d^2)  

  6. Depends on whether you want Newton's perspective, or Einstein's.

    Newton says that it's an attractive force between objects that have mass. A ball has mass, and the Earth has mass, so the ball and the Earth moves toward each other (we don't notice the Earth moving towards the ball, and that's because the Earth is so much heavier).

    Einstein's perspective is a bit more complicated. He basically says that there is no difference between gravity and an acceleration (I may be botching this up for more seasoned relativists, but I like this way of thinking about it). With that assumption in mind, this leads to the fact that gravity is the result of warped space-time. Space-time is warped due to mass (or energy, which is equivalent to mass), leading to attraction between massive objects.  

  7. It's the force that exists between 2 objects.

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