
What is the best way to fight an idea- specially a new idea?

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What is the best way to fight an idea- specially a new idea?




  1. Just ignor it!

    Ignoring is a good way of fighting!

  2. In the movie "Ben Hur" the protagonist asked this very question and gave the answer...."What is the best way to fight an idea,,,?  With another idea.

    An idea is a mental picture that shows the truth of it's essence. If the new idea lacks in quality of character of the old idea.  And it denigrates man than I say that idea is a bad idea.  So the old idea is worth fighting for.

    Alas so many times the new idea poses as a better one than the old one and man is not uplifted but becomes more depraved so that man is judged by the outside and not what he has in his heart.   Man's judgment is based on man's wisdom that can only see from what is outside.  Only God's wisdom allows man to see within a man's true self   For only God can understand the invisible and intangible elements of man.

  3. Sit back and just wait for the urge to pass

  4. Absorb it into the pre-existing orthodoxy and make it sound as though it supports that orthodoxy.

  5. A lobotomy works all the time.

  6. yo sup

    well if u got a idea better than the "new idea" then u got a chance.state all the benefits of ur idea and the negatives about the other idea, its basically like a debate thing, the one with more positives than negatives win.

    unless u bomb some places and demand the the "new idea" is vanished...lmfao

    arite peace out!@

  7. With any new idea, there will always be skeptics.  It is simply the natural human reaction to be doubtful of new methods and ideas, especially when one becomes accustomed to the ideals and methods currently adhered to.  ("If it ain't broke, don't fix it.")

    One of the most effective ways of fighting an idea has traditionally been intentionally misrepresenting the core principles (or mechanisms) out of their original context, thus, turning the emerging idea into something complete different in order to draw stiff opposition to it.  The proponents will too busy on the defensive continually countering criticism that they will have trouble marketing this new idea to a now-more cynical mainstream.  (Religious institutions and governments have successfully utlized this time-honoured tactic for thousands of years.)

    (Now, if you happen to have a better idea on how to effective deconstruct and destroy other new and up-and-coming ideas,  than the one described, please let me know. ;-) )

  8. To fight is to atttack and at the same time to protect.

    So, the best fighter could never be beaten.

    As he is able to be protected, not to be beaten, he's free to attack any time...

    This is not easy to understand, but, I know you could.

    I learned this from a master of Tao...

  9. Deny or block the perceived benefits from the idea.

  10. Learn from it and then improve on it so it becomes obsolete.

    Here is a quote from Art of War -- by Sun Tzu:

    So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will fight without danger in battles.

    If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.

    If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.

  11. You got it. The best way to resolve a conflict or to counter a bad idea is to propose a new idea.

    For example, Palestinians should no longer ask to end Israeli occupation. They should propose a 'modified' one state solution [without calling it as such] with several "provinces", some Jewish and some Palestinian. As an incentive to Jews, give some more land from Sinai and Golan heights to this unified state. Problem solved---maybe :-)

  12. Perhaps you could consider a new idea.

    After all, you might be instinctively wrong.

    (The only way to fight a new idea is to disprove its validity.)

  13. Information is the only way to fight an idea.

  14. there is no "best" way to fight anything, but there is a best way to NOT fight anything (which works here) . . . . . don't give it anything to push against.

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